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SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

SAMHSA Announces Grant Awards

For Fiscal Year 2004, SAMHSA awarded grants totaling $300 million over 3 years as part of an innovative new initiative, Access to Recovery, announced by President George W. Bush in August to provide people seeking drug and alcohol treatment with vouchers for needed services (see SAMHSA News, September/October 2004). SAMHSA also awarded its first Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive grants to 21 states for a total $230 million over 5 years (see SAMHSA News, 21 States, 2 Territories Awarded Strategic Prevention Framework Grants).

Other grant awards continue to reflect the Agency's commitment to build resilience and facilitate recovery for people with or at risk for substance abuse and mental illness. With these grants, SAMHSA assists a wide range of populations from homeless persons to pregnant and postpartum women and their children. The Agency also awarded grants to fund peer-to-peer recovery support services, prevention services to fight the spread of ecstasy and other club drugs, and fellowships to minorities to encourage workforce development in the field.

Selected grant awards include:

  • Ecstasy and Other Club Drugs Prevention Services. $23 million. 17 cooperative agreement grant awards over 5 years to fight the spread of ecstasy and other club drugs through culturally appropriate prevention services at the state and local level. The funds, awarded to programs in 11 states and the Jamul Indian Village in California, foster development of prevention projects through schools, local health departments, and community-based organizations. This year's grant award totals $4.9 million. [SP 04-004]

  • State Incentive Grants for Treatment of Persons with Co-Occurring Substance Related and Mental Disorders. $19.3 million. 4 grant awards over 5 years to Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Virginia to increase state and local capacity to provide accessible, effective, comprehensive, coordinated, integrated, and evidence-based treatment services to persons with co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders. This year's grant award totals $3.8 million. [SM 04-012]

  • Young Offender Reentry Program. $23.3 million. 12 grant awards over 4 years to expand and enhance substance abuse treatment and reentry services for juveniles and young adult offenders returning to the community from the correctional system, including prisons, jails, or juvenile detention centers. This year's grant award totals $6 million. [TI 04-002]

  • Peer-to-Peer Recovery Support Program. $11.2 million. 8 grant awards over 4 years to deliver and evaluate peer-to-peer recovery support services to help prevent relapse and promote sustained recovery from alcohol and drug use. The program helps people seeking to recover from an alcohol or drug problem along with their family members and significant others who will be both the providers and recipients of recovery support services. Services will be developed and delivered under SAMHSA's Recovery Community Services Program. This year's grant award totals $2.8 million. [TI 04-008]

  • State Incentive Grants To Build Capacity for Alternatives to Seclusion and Restraint. $5.3 million. 8 grant awards over 3 years to support state efforts to adopt best practices to reduce and eliminate the use of restraint and seclusion in institutional and community-based settings that provide mental health services. People receiving services include those with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders. Grantees: Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, and Washington. This year's grant award totals $1.9 million. [SM 04-007]

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Abuse State Infrastructure Development. $26 million. 7 grant awards over 5 years to expand and strengthen the capacity of states, territories, and American Indian tribal governments to support coordinated treatment services for children, adolescents, and youth in transition with serious emotional disturbances, substance abuse disorders, or co-occurring disorders, and their families. This year's grant award totals $5.1 million. [SM 04-006]

  • Drug/Alcohol/Mental Health Treatment Services for Homeless Persons. $67.6 million. 34 grant awards over 5 years to expand and strengthen treatment services for homeless individuals with substance use disorders, mental illness, or co-occurring disorders. This year's grant award totals $13.5 million. [TI 04-001]

  • Targeted Capacity Expansion Grants. $35 million. 24 grant awards over 3 years to expand or enhance the ability of states, local governments, and tribal organizations to provide comprehensive, integrated, and community-based substance abuse treatment services in communities facing serious, emerging substance abuse problems. Funds are awarded in four categories: minority populations, rural areas, methamphetamine treatment, and innovative approaches to treatment capacity expansion. This year's grant award totals $12 million. [TI 04-003]

  • Statewide Consumer Network Grants. $3.9 million. 19 grant awards over 3 years to facilitate involvement of consumers of mental health services in the development of mental health programs. The focus is on adults with serious mental illness. This year's grant award totals $1.3 million. [SM04-003]

  • Statewide Family Network Grants. $8.5 million. 43 grant awards over 3 years to facilitate involvement of families in mental health policies and programs affecting their children. The focus is on families of children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances. This year's grant award totals $2.8 million. [SM04-004]

  • Networking and Certifying Suicide Prevention Hotlines. $6.6 million. 1 grant award over 3 years to the Mental Health Association of New York to manage a toll-free national suicide prevention hotline network of local crisis centers linking callers to local emergency, mental health, and social services resources. The funds also will be used to increase the number of crisis centers certified in suicide prevention services. This year's grant award totals $2.2 million. [SM 04-013]

  • Youth Transition into the Workplace. $4 million. 13 grant awards over 2 years to provide substance abuse prevention programs for youth age 16 to 24 who are transitioning into the workplace. Recipients will document and evaluate innovative practices that address critical substance abuse and mental health service gaps not yet evaluated formally. This year's grant award totals $2.2 million. [SP 04-006]

  • Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Children. $21 million. 14 grant awards over 3 years in 9 states to provide or expand the availability of comprehensive, high-quality, residential substance abuse treatment services to low-income pregnant and postpartum women, as well as other mothers with minor children. Services also will be provided to children suffering from the effects of maternal alcohol and drug use while their mothers receive care. This year's grant award totals $7 million. [TI 04-004]

  • Minority Fellowship Program. $3 million. 4 grant awards to facilitate entry of minority students into careers in mental health and substance abuse services. Grantees are the American Nurses Association, American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, and the Council on Social Work Education. [SM 04-001]

  • National Technical Assistance Centers on Consumer/Peer-Run Programs. $1.9 million. 5 grant awards to fund 5 National Technical Assistance Centers to assist in the transformation of the mental health system by providing consumers with the necessary skills to foster self-determination and recovery, and help people with severe mental illness decrease their dependence on expensive social services and avoid psychiatric hospitalization. [SM 04-011]

  • Intervention and Evaluation Centers for the Child Traumatic Stress Initiative. $3 million. 5 cooperative agreement grant awards to refine specialized treatment approaches to child traumatic stress, tailor practice manuals for new service settings, and update procedures to disseminate related products. [SM 04-009]

  • Community Treatment and Services Centers of the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative. $4.7 million. 12 cooperative agreement grant awards to improve treatment and services for children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events and to increase access to effective trauma treatment and services. [SM 04-010]

For ongoing updates on SAMHSA grant awards or funding opportunities, visit the SAMHSA Web site at www.samhsa.gov/grantsEnd of Article

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    SAMHSA News - November/December 2004, Volume 12, Number 6

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