USGS Western Ecological Research Center



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Knapp, E.E. J.E. Keeley, E.A. Ballenger, and T.J. Brennan. 2005. Fuel reduction and coarse woody debris dynamics with early season and late season prescribed fire in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 208: 383-397.

Knapp, E. E., S. L. Stephens, J. D. McIver, J. J. Moghaddas, and J. E. Keeley. The Fire and Fire Surrogate study in the Sierra Nevada: Evaluating restoration treatments at Blodgett Experimental Forest and Sequoia National Park. Proceedings of the Sierra Science Symposium, Oct. 8-10, 2002, Kings Beach, CA.

Knapp, E. E., J. E. Keeley, and N. L. Stephenson. 2002. Tree mortality following reintroduction of fire to an old-growth mixed-conifer forest. Ecological Society of America/Society for Ecological Restoration (abstract), pg. 181. Tucson, AZ, August 4-9, 2002.

Knapp, E. E., J. E. Keeley, and N. L. Stephenson. 2002. Ecological impacts of season of prescribed fire in a Sierran mixed conifer forest. Sierra Nevada Science Symposium: Science for Management and Conservation, Oct. 7-10, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Hamman, S. T., and I. Burke. 2002. The effect of prescribed burns on soil biogeochemistry in the mixed-conifer zone of Sequoia National Park, California. 2002 Fire Conference: Managing fire and fuels in the remaining wildlands and open spaces of the Southwestern United States (abstract) pg. 52-53. Dec. 2-5, San Diego, CA.

Fire and Fire Surrogate Study at Sequoia --- Symposium I. Beetle Rock Education Center, Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park. August 22, 2002.

Knapp, E. E. 2001. Fire and Fire Surrogate Study --- Sequoia National Park Study Plan.

Products from Associated Studies:

Rocca, M. E., D. L. Urban, and J. E. Keeley. 2002. Spatial considerations in fire management: the importance of heterogeneity for maintaining diversity in a mixed conifer forest. Sierra Nevada Science Symposium: Science for Management and Conservation, Oct. 7-10, Lake Tahoe, CA.


Knapp, E. 2002. Fire and Fire Surrogate study at Sequoia National Park. Presentation to Sequoia National Park, Ash Mountain conference room, Jan. 16.

Fire and Fire Surrogate Study at Sequoia --- Symposium I. Beetle Rock Education Center, Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park. August 22, 2002.

Knapp, E. 2003. The Fire and Fire Surrogate Study at Sequoia National Park: Preliminary fuel reduction results. Presentation to Sequoia National Park, Fire Management Orientation, Ash Mountain conference room, June 12.


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Last update: 26 April 2005