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King County Environmental Purchasing Program

Contract Language


King County has developed general contract language for use in contracts for the procurement of recycled and environmentally preferable materials. 

King County General Contract Language

"Recycled Material" means material and by-products which have been recovered or diverted from solid waste for the purpose of recycling. It does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
"Post-Consumer Recycled Material" means material and by-products which have served their intended end-use by a consumer and have been recovered or diverted from solid waste. It does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
"Environmentally preferable products" means products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose. This comparison may consider raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, or disposal of the product.

Policy Statement

Environmental Purchasing Policy (used in every bid document)

Bidders able to supply products containing recycled and environmentally preferable materials that meet performance requirements are encouraged to offer them in bids and proposals.

Contractor shall use recycled paper for all printed and photocopied documents related to the submission of this bid and fulfillment of this contract and shall, whenever practicable, use both sides of the paper and ensure that the cover page of each document bears an imprint identifying it as recycled paper. (Reference: KCC 10.16 & King County Executive Policy CON 7-1-2)

Reporting Requirements

Usage Reports

Annually, the Contractor shall furnish to the Procurement Services Section usage reports showing a summary of the ordering and/or history of each county agency for the previous contract year. The report must show at minimum, description and total quantity of each item ordered during the period, reporting period, county agency, and total dollars per agency. King County reserves the right to request additional information, if required, when reviewing contract activity.

Waste Management (general)

Following are samples of general language that King County has used in contracts.  To see more detailed language, please follow this link to Recycling During Construction

The County wants to recycle as much material as possible during demolition and the demolition schedule has been planned to maximize the amount of recycling, reuse, and salvage that can be achieved during demolition.

The County requires the Contractor to recycle, reuse, and salvage as much material as possible. The demolition schedule was planned to allow for selective removal and sorting of materials.

The County requires the Contractor to submit a waste handling plan detailing how the waste streams will be separated and managed.

The Contractor is responsible for removing and reusing, recycling, or salvaging all other materials associated with the demolition of the buildings, pavement, vegetation, utilities, and any other site improvements.

The Owner desires that this Project shall generate the least amount of waste possible and that processes that ensure the generation of as little waste as possible due to error, poor planning, breakage, mishandling, contamination, or other factors shall be employed.

The Contractor shall provide on-site instruction of appropriate separation, handling separation, handling, and recycling, salvage, reuse and return methods to be used by all parties at the appropriate stages of the Project.

For More Information

King County Supply Contracts
Resources for Buyers


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Updated: May, 2005

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