Quarterly Review

Publications by quarter

BIS Quarterly Review, December 2008

8 December 2008

Full text and statistical tables:


Text by chapter:

International banking and financial market developments

1. Overview: global financial crisis spurs unprecedented policy actions

Full text (PDF, 24 pages, 827 kb)

PDFs also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish


includes boxes: Three market implications of the Lehman bankruptcy, Government-led bank rescue initiatives, Central bank measures to alleviate foreign currency funding shortages and Central bank balance sheets


Highlights of international banking and financial market activity


Full text (PDF, 11 pages, 832 kb)

PDFs also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish

includes box: Voluntary terminations of credit default swap contracts


Special features

    Developments in repo markets during the financial turmoil
by Peter Hördahl and Michael R King

 Abstract  (also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish)
 Full text (also available in German, Italian and Spanish)

    Commodity prices and inflation dynamics
by Stephen G Cecchetti and Richhild Moessner

 Abstract  (also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish)
 Full text (also available in French, German, Italian and Spanish)

   Bank health and lending to emerging markets
by Patrick McGuire and Nikola Tarashev

 Abstract  (also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish)
 Full text (Also available in Spanish)

    How many in negative equity? The role of mortgage contract characteristics
by Luci Ellis

 Abstract  (also available in French, German, Italian, Spanish)
 Full text (PDF, 13 pages, 370 kb)