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JSF Logo

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Title: Downloads
The JSF logo is in fact a combination of several different logos. Each logo is designed to be used for a particular method of delivery. An example may be using the logo on a document that will be printed and faxed as opposed to using the logo on something that will simply be e-mailed. In the first case a black and white version of the logo is most ideal while in the second a color version is preferred.

Below you will find links to many resolutions and formats of the JSF logo. Please read the description to the right of each of these designs when determining the logo that will best suit your needs.

All guidelines set forth in this page are done so with the intent of preserving the professional image and integrity of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. It is imperative that individuals making use of the Joint Strike Fighter Program logo make every effort to follow the guidelines as they are laid out below.

Note, individuals utilizing the JSF logo for purposes other than that which is determined to be in the best of interests of the program may be prosecuted.

Black and White
The black and white version of the logo was designed for use on documents that will be faxed. Its cleaner, color-less design is optimal for keeping the logo looking its best despite being sent back and forth a number of times.

Download: High Resolution JPEG or .EPS

Black and White JSF Logo

Full Color
This version of the logo should be used in most documents that will remain electronic. Some examples include:

  • E-mail Messages
  • Microsoft Word or Rich Text Documents
  • PowerPoint Documents

This logo may also be used on documents to be printed using a color printer.

Download: High Resolution JPEG or .EPS

Full Color JSF Logo

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