Comments for Discussion on StratML Committee Telecon on April 24, 2008

  Submitter Change Type StratML Element Change Description Additional Information
1 Oliver Recklies Definition Vision Desired future state, the aspiration of the organization. Vision describes what the company is to become in the (long-term) future. On this aspiration the top management of the organization [e.g. federal agency] can try to focus energies, effort etc of the members of the organization. Current definition: A concise and inspirational description of a state the organization will strive to approach over a relatively long span of years but which can ultimately never be fully achieved
2 Oliver Recklies Definition Mission Overriding purpose that is in line with the expectations or values of the stakeholders. The mission should reflect the essential purpose of the organization. The mission is concerned with the boundaries and the scope of the organization. Current definition: A brief description of the basic purpose of the organization.  Goals define a purpose and direction and take all stakeholders and perceived present and future needs into account. Goals must be capable of being effectively pursued with measurable results over more than one budgetary execution cycle but within the reasonably foreseeable future. Goals should be objective, quantifiable, measureable, and defined at the level to be achieved by a program activity. Supports Mission
3 Oliver Recklies Definition Goal Add to the existing definition: General statement of purpose or aim that is in line with the mission. The goal may qualitative in its nature. Current definition: A relatively broad statement of intended results to be achieved over more than one resource allocation and performance measurement cycle.
4 Oliver Recklies Definition Objectives Add to the existing definition: Quantification (if possible) or more precise statement of the goal. It is a more precise aim in line with the goal. A target level of results expressed in units against which achievement is to be measured within a single resource allocation and performance execution cycle. Objectives are measureable subsets of goals to be achieved within a given time period with available resources. Objectives provide the day-to-day support for achieving goals.
5 Oliver Recklies New element External analysis results Additional information / brief description about the results of external analysis, which have been considered to develop the strategy This would be a mandatory element in the core.
6 Oliver Recklies New element Internal analysis results Additional information / brief description about the results of internal analysis, which have been considered to develop the strategy This would be a mandatory element in the core.
7 Oliver Recklies New element Major planning assumptions Additional information / overview / list about the planning assumptions (planning parameters in the sense of hypotheses that cannot be tested but that are essential to make a decision), which have been considered to develop the strategy (Complex phrase or entire sentences) This would be an optional element.
8 Greg Fairnak Definition Mission A mission statement describes the following:
Who the organization is;
What activities it engages in;
Why, or for what purpose does it exist;
for whom, and on whose behalf are activities are the activities directed.
9 Greg Fairnak New element Assessment findings An effective plan is dependent upon an agency's willingness to fully an honestly assess itself.  An internal and external assessment which if done correctly provides strategic direction, future scenarios, planning agenda for goals and strategies and specific areas to improve performance.  My sugggested name for this component would be Assessment Findings or Priority Areas. The element would also include Sequence Indicator, Assessment Findings Name, Assessment Findings Description
10 Greg Fairnak New element Strategy A strategy gives an agency the ability to directly confront and overcome the obstacles that will prevent the organization from meetings its goals.  Where goals and objectives describe the desired outcome of specific policy preferences, strategy identifies the means for their attainment. In specifically requiring agency plans to include strategy - " a description of how goals and objectives are to be achieved" - the GPRA emphasizes the integrated nature of the strategic plan.  Goals and objectives without specific strategies targeted at the distincitive "sign of the times" in the external environment will be sterile.  Goals and objectives without specific strategies based on the distinct core competencies of the agency are irrelevant.  Goals and objectives without specific strategies that intend to overcome "lack-of's", administrative and technical impediments have no chance to succeed.  Hence, GPRA recognizes that goals and objectives without specific strategies will not improve the effectiveness of Federal agencies.
The element would also include Sequence Indicator, Strategy Name, Strategy Description
11 Greg Fairnak New element Strategic Alignment Linkage No proposed definition provided. The element would also include Assessment Sequence Indicator, Strategy Sequence Indicator, Objective Indicator
12 Greg Fairnak New element Objective Measurement No proposed definition provided. Would be sub-elements under objective
13 Greg Fairnak New element Objective Timeframe/ Completion No proposed definition provided. Would be sub-elements under objective
14 Owen Ambur  Reuse existing element <Description> as another child of <Organization> Reusing the <Description> element as an optional-use child of <Organization> would enable authors and editors to include any additional information they may wish to provide about the organization. The <Name> and <Description> elements are already used as children of <Goal>, <Objective>, and <Stakeholder>.  <Name> and <Acronym> are already child elements under <Organization>.  Alternatively, the <OtherInformation> element could be used in lieu of or in addition to the <Description> element.  However, the <OtherInformation> element is primarily intended as a temporary catch-all for optional information until such time as more explicit elements can be specified. 
15 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Milestones and timelines N/A  
16 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Classification schemes Classification schemes like the FEA PRM  
17 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Geospatial attributes Geospatial attributes of goals, objectives, and stakeholders  
18 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Globally Unique IDs Globally unique IDs for each element in StratML instance documents  (We are assigning GUIDs to each element in the StratML schema.)  
19 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Version Control Version control at the element level  
20 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Relationships Relationships among elements of the plan and other plans, e.g., goal and objective statements in other plans that are deemed to be equivalent to, broader than, or narrower than the statement at hand.  (For example, what is considered to be an objective at one level of an organization may be a goal at the next layer down in the organization.  Likewise, partnering organizations may have goals that contribute to the goals of the planning organization and, thus, constitute virtual objectives within the context of its plan.)  
21 Owen Ambur  Elements not to include in core Story “A narrative exemplifying the essential aspects of a concept in terms that are readily comprehensible to the average person.”  The <Story> element could optionally be applied as a child of the <Goal>, <Objective> or <Stakeholder> element.  It could be attributed as either <Success> or <Failure>.  
  Ronald Reck Definition Stakeholder I think many different receivers of information can have "Stake" in the information they read, There can be variable degrees of stake, professional stake or simple emotional stake. Personally I see them on a continuum as members of an audience,  I would ask don't all taxpayers have "Stake" in the productivity outcome of the government agencies they fund?  
22 Patrice McDermott Definition Stakeholder Audience is a very passive term -- worse even than the description of the public as "customers."  Yes, there are levels and varieties of stakes that varieties of publics have in information, but audience does not capture the possibility for (and right to) engagement with government and policymakers in the content of the info, its accessibility/availability (not the same thing), its usability, etc.  
23 Ronald Reck, Alice Marshall, Betty Harvey New element Namespace I would like StratML core to support a namespace line in the XML. I am not sure offhand how to change the schema to reflect this.   
24 Betty Harvey New element URI Before a namespace declaration is included though, a URI needs to be decided upon.  I would suggest that a 'real' URI be used rather an a fictitious one that will confuse people.  
25 David Webber New element Namespace Do not add namespace to the schema