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Statement: February 15, 2007 Print this page
Docket Number: RM07-8-000
    Commissioner Kelly's statement on preliminary permits for wave, current, and instream new technology hydropower projects

    • Tidal and wave power technologies are truly on the brink of becoming genuine competitive sources of power. As more and more states place a greater reliance on renewable power for meeting their energy needs, marine power from tides and waves is being closely looked at as one avenue for meeting those needs.

    • Marine power from tides and waves is still an infant industry-but it is starting to grow, and fast. Case in point is the 11 such permits we have already issued, and the 45-plus wave, current and instream preliminary permit applications currently pending before the Commission.

    • I believe today's NOI and corresponding Interim Policy Statement take just the right balanced approach for moving forward in processing these permit applications, while at the same time recognizing that, as a developing industry, the Commission has a responsibility to all stakeholders to ensure that we process the applications as timely, fairly, and efficiently, as possible.

    • At our technical conference on the new technologies last December, we certainly heard an earful from a number of interested parties on how the Commission can best implement these types of preliminary permit applications. We discussed the distinct environmental, economic, and procedural issues potentially involved with these types of projects. I think that today's NOI accurately represents these key issues, and asks the right questions to assist us in taking the appropriate next steps.

    • We are fortunate to have a role in a cutting edge technology that could lead to cleaner, renewable energy. It is an exciting time, and I look forward to hearing from all stakeholders. With that, I am pleased to vote out this order.

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Commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly
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Updated: February 15, 2007