Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/23/98

Series: Organization

Part 142: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chapter 8: Assistant Director - Planning and Budget

Originating Office: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

142 DM 8

8.1 Assistant Director - Planning and Budget provides staff support to the Director and has authority and responsibility for the development of policy and Servicewide directives, resource allocation and budget development, formulation, execution and analysis, as well as forecasting of workforce requirements. Directs, formulates, and administers broad, nationwide operations in program areas that include planning and evaluation, budget, directives, personnel management, ethics, security, regulatory review and reform, audits, and management controls. Ensures that legal, regulatory, and Departmental policy is adhered to in all functional areas.

A. The Division of Personnel Management is responsible for developing, implementing, administering, and reviewing Servicewide personnel management policies, programs, systems, and procedures for the most efficient and effective management of personnel resources. Provides personnel management advice, services, and policy guidance and interpretation to Regional Personnel Offices and senior management officials in the areas of resources planning and utilization, personnel aspects of organizational studies, position classification, position management, staffing, recruitment, performance management systems, Senior Executive Service appraisal and recertification programs, employee relations and services, incentive awards, labor-management relations, conduct and discipline, reduction-in-force, personnel management evaluation, and pay administration. Administers the Service's classification appeals program and coordinates development and application of proposed position classification standards. Administers the Service's personnel security and applicant and random drug testing programs. Manages the Service's ethics program and provides counseling, guidance, and opinions to Assistant Ethics Counselors and employees. Coordinates responses to Inspector General investigations or inquiries involving Service employees. Undertakes personnel management studies, projects, and workforce analyses of Servicewide scope and impact. Coordinates personnel management programs with the Service's equal employment opportunity program.

B. The Division of Budget is responsible for the formulation, justification, coordination, and execution of the budget for the Service. Directs and manages the budget formulation system prescribing policies, procedures, and controls and ensures compliance with Administration objectives and conformance to statutory authority. Initiates and reviews proposed changes in appropriation structure and language, participates in and coordinates budgetary determinations, and reviews proposals for supplementary budget requests and reprogramming of funds. Maintains control of the budget process and the limitation of funds imposed by the Congress and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Reviews the status of obligations and expenditures to evaluate program progress and recommends adjustments for conformance to policy and economical use of financial resources. Prepares summaries and analyses of special reports on budget proposals, appropriations, and related matters for the Director, Office of the Secretary, OMB, other Federal agencies, and the Congress and maintains liaison with those entities. Interprets and implements Department and OMB directives, and provides technical assistance on all budgetary matters.

C. The Division of Policy and Directives Management is responsible for developing, implementing, administering, and reviewing Servicewide policies, systems, and procedures for a diverse group of activities involving productivity improvement, management improvement, implementation of OMB Circular A-76, paperwork management, regulatory review and reform, records management, reports and forms management, patents and inventions processing, implementation of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, and coordination of Office of Inspector General and General Accounting Office audits. The Division's responsibility includes the implementation of the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual System; issuance of Director's Orders; coordination of activities involving OMB Circular A-123; and the development, scheduling and oversight of the Service Management Control Program. Performs management analysis of special evaluation studies including the design, conduct, and reporting of information for use in decision making.

D. The Planning and Evaluation Staff administers the Government Performance and Results Act, coordinating the development and maintenance of the Service's Strategic Plan, annual performance plans, and program performance reports with relevant Service programs, Departmental contacts, and other partners. Coordinates with Service entities in developing and administering actions required under other planning, evaluation, program effectiveness, and public accountability initiatives. Serves as contact and response office to the Department on the customer service function on requests for data and general information. Coordinates Service program evaluation efforts and provides feedback to Service leadership and to programs on findings.

1/23/98 #3193

Replaces 6/15/94 #3007

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