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Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) User Working Group (UWG)

August 22-23, 2007, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS), Sioux Falls, SD


The LP DAAC UWG is responsible for providing consultation and recommendations on a broad range of topics related to LP DAAC systems, services, and capabilities. The inaugural meeting of the UWG was held on August 22nd and 23rd at the USGS Center for EROS in Sioux Falls, SD. The meeting marked the conclusion of a several-month transition from the former Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) - chartered Science Advisory Panel (SAP) to an Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) - chartered UWG. During the transition, the LP DAAC worked in concert with NASA ESDIS, NASA HQ, and its previous SAP membership to draft a new charter, identify continuing membership, and recruit new members for open slots. The draft charter was adopted by the UWG without changes during this meeting.

Members and Attendees

Members in attendance were as follows, including affiliation and/or role:

  • Tom Sohre1 (USGS, acting LP DAAC Manager)
  • Tom Maiersperger2 (SAIC contractor to USGS/EROS, LP DAAC Scientist, vice-chair)
  • Jeanne Behnke2 (NASA ESDIS representative)
  • Woody Turner2 (NASA HQ Science representative)
  • Mike Abrams2 (JPL, ASTER Science Team representative)
  • Kamel Didan1 (for Alfredo Huete, University of Arizona, MODIS Science Team representative)
  • Kevin Gallo2 (NOAA NESDIS, UWG chair)
  • Matt Hansen1 (South Dakota State University)
  • John Mars1 (USGS)
  • John Melack2 (UC Santa Barbara)
  • David Turner1 (Oregon State University)
  • Mark Carroll1 (University of Maryland)
  • Susan Ustin1 (UC Davis)

  • 1 New member
    2 Continuing member

Two new members (Kirsten de Beurs, Virginia Tech and Jeff Morisette, NASA GSFC) and one continuing member (Robert Brackenridge, Dartmouth) were not able to attend. Woody Turner was not able to attend in person, but joined the meeting for several intervals via telecon. Local attendees participating during the meeting were:

  • Chris Doescher (USGS EROS, Special Assistant to the Director)
  • Jenn Willems (USGS EROS, Chief Scientist, Land Remote Sensing Program)
  • June Thormodsgaard (USGS EROS, Chief Scientist, Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program).

Agenda and Presentations

A number of presentations were given which characterized the status of the organizations, instruments, science teams, user support, data holdings, access methods, systems, and development activities associated with the LP DAAC. These presentations may be accessed by following the links from the meeting agenda below.

Wednesday, August 22
8:30 a.m.WelcomeDoescher
8:45 a.m.Introductions and Review of AgendaGroup/Gallo
9:15 a.m.Status Update: ESDIS Science OperationsBehnke
10:00 a.m.Break 
10:15 a.m.Update on ASTER StatusAbrams
10:45 a.m.MODIS Land Team Collection 5.0 and BeyondDidan
11:30 a.m.LP DAAC OverviewSohre
12 noonLunch 
1:00 p.m.LP DAAC Data Holdings, Access, and DeliveryMaiersperger
2:30 p.m.Break 
2:45 p.m.LP DAAC Evolution StatusSohre
3:15 p.m.LP DAAC DevelopmentSauer
4:00 p.m.Review of Charter and other UWG BusinessGroup
5:00 p.m.Adjourn 
Thursday, August 23
8:50 a.m.Review of AgendaGallo/Group
9:00 a.m.Open Discussion of TopicsGroup
12:00 noonLunch 
1:00 p.m.Open Discussion of TopicsGroup
2:00 p.m.NLIP UpdateWillems
3:00 p.m.Summarize Actions and RecommendationsGroup
3:30 p.m.Adjourn 


The LP DAAC and UWG members agreed to convene a telecon within three months to discuss near-term actions. During the telecon, LP DAAC will:

  • Go over anticipated conference attendance / demo opportunities.
  • Describe data flow / latency of MODIS composites.
  • Provide cost / benefit analysis for data pool expansion.
  • Communicate status of MRTWeb release.
  • Communicate status of ASTER backup Operations Concept .

The UWG membership will:

  • Suggest representatives from the commercial and NGO sectors to fill the two open UWG slots.

The LP DAAC will provide a detailed briefing to the UWG concerning long-term archive progress before the next face-to-face meeting.


UWG recommendations for the LP DAAC were captured from the meeting and synthesized as follows:

  • Pursue new data holdings which make up and extend the land remote sensing record (e.g., VIIRS, DESDyNI, investigator-led data sets).
  • Continue to expand collaborative opportunities via cost-reimbursable funding vehicles (e.g., NASA ROSES, USGS Land Remote Sensing Program).
  • Increase awareness and participation in broader community activities which complement the LP DAAC mission (e.g. CEOS, NACP, NEON, GTOS).
  • Consider member exchange program with USGS Archive Advisory Committee and sister DAAC User Working Groups.
  • Facilitate meetings between USGS and NASA leadership to develop long-term archive plans for ASTER and MODIS data.
  • Provide links to other relevant land remote sensing data sources on the LP DAAC website (e.g., Landsat, Investigator-held products, MODIS Rapid Response, non-domestic programs).
  • Expand visibility of alternative data access methods (e.g., via hands-on demonstrations at conferences, tailored tutorials available online for use by interested parties, advertising within order notifications, increased visibility in google search).
  • Expand visibility of product documentation (e.g., by including links from access interfaces, by delivering documentation with the data).
  • MRTWeb provides significant new functionality; proceed with appropriately caveated beta release that targets Science users, requires user registration, and includes a mechanism to capture feedback.
  • Make scene lists importable to and exportable from GloVis; link GloVis to data pool holdings for immediate download capability.
  • Develop a link exchange with Universities, labs, and other users of LP DAAC data.
  • Improve representation of data pool use and users in metrics and user surveys, including consideration of user registration.
  • Development activities should continue to focus on tier 1 users (e.g., advanced tools for Science Teams, modelers, and remote sensing research and applications users), but remain cognizant of ways to support tier 2 users (e.g., simple tools for casual users and the general public) where appropriate.

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URL: http://LPDAAC.usgs.gov/landdaac/presentations_09-07.asp
Technical Contact: LPDAAC@eos.nasa.gov
Last Update: Tuesday, February 19, 2008
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