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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey Instructional Memorandum

No. OFM 94-04

Date: September 16, 1994

Subject: Actual Subsistence Expenses

Reference: 205.2 and 340.8

This Instructional Memorandum adds to the category of Special Delegations in 205.2.4 the authority for Division Chiefs and Headquarters Administrative Officers to approve reimbursement for actual subsistence expenses incurred in the course of official travel. These approvals are necessary when the authorized per diem allowance would be inadequate to cover the actual and necessary expenses of the traveler. This approval authority is redelegated from the Assistant Director for Administration to the Division Chiefs. Division Chiefs may delegate this authority to Headquarters Administrative Officers, but it may not be redelegated further.

Requests for approval authority for actual and necessary subsistence expenses in excess of standard rates will be submitted by the employee when conditions appear to warrant such reimbursement. Requests will be submitted prior to the travel period, and the authorization, under item 11, should state "authorized actual expenses not to exceed $ per day." Each request will be submitted in memorandum form including the name of the traveler, location and dates of travel, a justification for the increase, and the required amount of the increase. The request should be sent to the appropriate Division Chief or their Headquarters Administrative Officer for their approval.

This change will be effective immediately.

This IM is canceled upon revision of Survey Manual Chapter 205.2 and 340.8.

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Contact: OIS, Corporate Information Technology Branch
Last modification: 10-22-98(bt)