Republic of Korea

Map of Republic of Korea

Contributing to the Global War on Terror

On October 7, 2001, after the Afghanistan War broke out, the Korean Army, dispatched the 100th engineer group and 924th medical group, on a request from the United States to assist the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). On November 1 of the same year, the Korean Army sent 4 officers for Mission Plan team to U. S. Central Command. After considering the importance of the mission, the Korean Army formed a group of five, including war analysis officer headed by General for senior officer. Also, coordinator cell of three were sent to U.S. PACAF to perform the duty of the air force. The Korean army is the 17th of 65 countries, which dispatched assistance to U. S. CENTCOM, and is actively participating in GWOT.


Supporting to Operation Enduring Freedom


The main tasks of the troop sent to Afghanistan are humanitarian; building facilities and providing medical help. 100th engineer group whose task is constructing buildings have devoted one million dollar much of contribution, after its dispatch in February of 2002. 924th medical group has ran hospitals in Bagram, Afghanistan as well is Manas, Kyrgyztan, treating over 110,000 civilians and allied forces until August 2004. The hospital of Manas closed in April 2004, and a total of 190,000 worth of articles, including medical instruments were donated to Kyrgyzstan. Currently, a level 2 status hospital in Bagram is running.


The naval forces' LST has transported 6,000 tons of supplies and equipments through the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and conducted B-1 Bomber search and rescue mission in the north coast of Diego Garcia. 4 C-130s of the Korean Air Force traveled between Seoul and Diego Garcia over 70 times, transporting supplies of over 600,000Lbs. And with a humanitarian purpose, traveled to Islamabad 5 times, supplying 45tons of goods, worth 12 million dollars. The Republic of Korea has operated a total of Half million dollars of humanitarian assistance from 2002 to 2004.


Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom


After the end of the Iraqi war, the Republic of Korea sent Seohee, engineer group and Jema, medical group to An Nasiriyah to assist the reconstruction of Iraq. The Seohee has helped in numerous humanitarian fields including building bridges, reopening roads, and repairing schools since its dispatch in April of 2003, and The Jema examined 19,000 patients since July 2003.

ROK decided on sending division size troops to Iraq in January 2004, and decided upon Arbil, a self-governing community of the Kurds. This unit, dispatched On August 2004, is called Zaytoon, which is a combined word of Olive that represents peace and troop. The primary duty of Zaytoon is the reconstruction of the city and humanitarian assistance using Level 2 medical unit. R. O. Korea also sent 58th airlift wing with 4 C-130s to assist the Iraqi Freedom Operation. It has currently sent staff officers as well as liaison officer to MNF-I, CFLCC, CALOC and HOA.

Zaytun Division

Unit Mission

The olive represents peace and is also a very important part of daily Iraqi life. Like the olive, we choose the name Zaytun to demonstrate our resolve for peace and desire to assist in the daily lives of the Iraqi people.

The Zaytun Unit is now supporting the reconstruction of Iraq. Zaytun troops have been thoroughly educated on Iraqi religion, culture, customs, language and lifestyles. The primary reconstruction of Zaytun unit has focused on providing logistical, engineering, and medical support.

"The chance to build the friendly relationship between the Republic of Korea and Iraq." - Major General Hwang Eui-don- 

"We will complete our mission to serve world peace. We will think of your difficulties as our difficulties and support the development of the Arbil region. We will pool our strength with the people of the Arbil region. We will learn the culture and traditions of Iraq and provide the chances to build the friendly relationships between the republic of Korea and Iraq."


Main activities



Peaceful Reconstruction

  • Form ‘Saemaeul' villages for rural revival
  • Establish and manage education centers
  • Provide electricity, restore power lines
  • Provide school buses, restore schools
  • Repair sewage facilities
  • Provide garbage trucks, build trash incinerators
  • Supply clean water to remote villages



  • Give equipment and aid to local governments
  • Convey technology, attract businesses

Friendship Activities

  • Build playgrounds
  • Teach "Taekwondo" and Korean traditional music
  • Provide scholarships, education at Korean universities

Medical Activities

  • Vaccinations, insect exterminations
  • Restore hospitals, medical activities


Iraq reconstruction activities

The Zaytun Unit plans to perform humanitarian activities for the stability and peace of Iraq. The Jema Unit, which provided medical services, and Seohui Unit, wjich provided construction services, in Nasiriyah in southern Iraq, will join the effort with devotion.

The Zaytun Unit is making thorough plans to help the Iraqi people. We along with you want to nurture a hope for the future. 

Zaytun Technical Education Center

The Technical School of Love teaches technical skills such as electric welding and bulldozer driving. Over 112 people have already learned useful skills from the Technical School of Love. It is run by Seohui Unit free of charge to help the Iraqi people gain technical skills.

The Zaytun Unit has expanded the Technical School of Love into the Zaytun Technical Education Center. It will teach diverse skills such as auto mechanics, appliance repair and welding. 

Medicine of Love

The Jema Unit is working to help the Iraqi people stand up on their own by providing medical services and humanitarian activities. The Jema Hospital, designed just for the Iraqi people, treats over 150 patients every day.

Friendship Activities

The Republic of Korea decided to send the Zaytun Unit to support the reconstruction missions in Iraq because we are peace-loving people and it is our duty as a member of the international community. We will continue our support, both at the government and civilian levels, to help Iraq find peace and stability as soon as possible.