
Map of Latvia

1. Latvia

2. Support to the Global War on Terror:

Latvia has responded with determination to the new threats and challenges posed by international terrorism.

The key aspects of Latvian policy in this area are:

  • The provision of full political support to the international anti-terrorism coalition.

  • Immediately after the terrorist attacks on the 11th of September 2001, Latvia held consultations with the other two Baltic States and developed an outline of joint measures to be taken in order to confront international terrorism.

  • The adoption of measures to prevent terrorists from making use of Latvia's territory or banks. Specifically, the Latvian government developed an Action Plan for Combating International Terrorism as a matter of urgency. Its main thrust is to deny terrorists any opportunity to make use of Latvia's territory, banking system or other assets.

A number of changes have been made to legislation and normative acts in line with the Plan. These include criminalizing support for international terrorism and giving law enforcement authorities additional powers of control over financial transactions. Cooperation among the state security services has been strengthened, and controls over exports, imports and the transit of strategically significant goods enhanced. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior have strengthened their capacity to deal with terrorist threats.

Latvia has since ratified all major international conventions on combating terrorism. Latvia actively supports the work of the UN in coordinating international anti-terrorism efforts, has associated itself with the respective declarations of the European Union, and supported the resolve of NATO to assist the United States in the fight against terrorism.

3. Support to ISAF:

Since February 2003 Latvia has participated in the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

In 2003, Latvian National Armed Forces (NAF) deployed a medical team to Afghanistan under the Nederland's lead hospital in Kabul.

From the beginning of 2005, NAF of Latvia deployed staff personnel to the Kabul Multinational Brigade and Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) team under the Norwegian's lead 3rd Battle group located in Kabul. From 2006, all Latvian troops were deployed to the Regional Command North (RC N) in the Northern part of Afghanistan under the Norwegian-lead Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Meymaneh.

Currently, Latvia has 99 soldiers in Afghanistan. It is planned, by the end of 2008, to sustain up to 155 service personnel. A significant part of the increase includes deployment of an Infantry Kandak Operational Mentor Liaison Team (OMLT).

Main tasks are:

  • The destruction of unexploded ordinances (UXO). This is achieved by the EOD team contribution to RC N QRF and PRT Meymaneh. An average of 1,000 UXOs per week are destroyed by the EOD team

  • The other tasks for the Latvian contingent include: Providing force protection for PRT, gathering information and negotiating with the local authorities in PRT AOR, and supporting HQ's work by deploying individual staff officers to RC N HQ

4. Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom:

Since April 2003, Latvia has participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In May 2003, NAF deployed an EOD team and logistics platoon. Later in August 2003, when Poland took responsibility of the Central South part of Iraq and established Multinational Division Central-South (MND CS), Latvia deployed infantry company and staff officers to MND CS Area of Responsibility (AOR).

Currently, NAF of Latvia has 3 staff officers in MND CS and MNC-I HQ

  • Since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom, NAF of Latvia deployed 1,158 troops.

  • Battle casualties: 3 KIA, 5 WIA

  • NAF of Latvia EOD School provided EOD courses for Iraqi specialists in 2006.

5. Humanitarian Support to the people of Afghanistan/Iraq:

Latvia has donated 110,000 EUR to the Coalition Trust fund

6. Latvian SNR to US CENTCOM: LTC Imants Ziedins


Governmental organizations of Latvia

President of Latvia

Cabinet of Ministers

Parliament of Latvia

Information about Latvia history and facts of Latvia


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Embassy of Latvia