
Map of Jordan

(HKJ) or (JOR)

         1. The Meaning of the word Jordan: As stated in "Mu'jam Al-Buldan" Dictionary prepared by Yaqout Al-Hamwi it means (Strength and Victory) it is also said that Jordan is one of prophet Noahs grand children, and I say that Jordan is the home of peace and coexistence, the land of Islam and Arabism, the land of those of will and determination, the land of Jihad and Mass.
  • Emir Abdullah, second son of Sharif Hussein ruled Mecca and Hijaz until 1925, established regional control of the newly created Trans-Jordan on April 11, 1921.
  • May 15, 1923, The Anglo-Trans-Jordan Treaty replaced the British Mandate and established Jordan as a semi-autonomous nation.
  • In 1928, the original constitution and a parliamentary system were created, introducing the Jordanian people to a system of democracy that is still in place today. Jordan's first parliamentary elections were held in April of 1929.
  • During World War II, Trans-Jordan sided with the Allies and aided in expelling Axis forces from Syria.
  • On May 25th 1946, Britain gave up its mandate on Trans-Jordan and became the independent Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
    On July 20th 1951, King Abdullah was assassinated. King Talal succeeded to the throne a few months.
    In 1952, King Hussein succeeded on abdication of King Talal. During his reign of 47 years, King Hussein established the modern Jordan. He died on February 7, 1999 after a long suffer of Cancer, and was succeeded by King Abdallah II who was crowned on June 9, 1999.
 Jordan flag Three equal horizontal bands of black (top, the Abbassid Caliphate of Islam), white (the Ummayyad Caliphate of Islam), and green (the Fatimid Caliphate of Islam) with a red isosceles triangle (representing the Great Arab Revolt of 1916) based on the hoist side bearing a small white seven-pointed star symbolizing the seven verses of the opening Sura (Al-Fatiha) of the Holy Koran; the seven points on the star represent faith in One God, humanity, national spirit, humility, social justice, virtue, and aspirations.   The Geographic Factor Jordan occupies a strategic location in the Middle East, and is an important crossroads for regional energy integration. Jordan also is a potential alternative transit center for oil and gas exports from the Gulf region.

Jordan is divided into three natural regions: Jordan valley, Western heights, and the desert in the East that constitutes the Jordanian Badia which is part of the Syrian Badia that is a hill of medium height and constitutes 70% of Jordan's area. Location: Jordan is situated between longitudes 34-39 East and latitudes 29-32 North of the Equator, and it occupies     a central position among the Arab states in Asia.  

Borders: Jordan is bordered by Palestine and Israel from the West, Syria from the North, Iraq from the East, and Saudi Arabia from the South.   



  • Area total: 92,300 sq km
  • Water: 329 sq km
  • Land: 91,971 sq km
Area - comparative:  slightly smaller than Indiana Coastline: 26 km Terrain:
Mostly desert plateau in east, highland area in west; Great Rift Valley separates East and West Banks of the Jordan River  Elevation extremes:
Lowest point:     Dead Sea -408 m ( the lowest point on the earth )
Highest point:  Rum Mountain  1,734 m Climate: Jordan climate is a combination of the Mediterranean and Desert climates, where the Mediterranean climate prevails in North-Western regions of the Kingdom with moderate summer and cold winter, and the Desert climate prevails at the Jordan badia with hot summer and cold winter. The Tropic climate prevails in Jordan Valley which is hot in the Summer and worm in the Winter.  Administrative Divisions:   Jordan is divided into twelve governorates that are: (Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Al-Mfraq, Jarash, Ajloun, Sult, Madaba, Al-Karak, Al-Tafiela, Ma'an, and Aquapa), these are considered the most important cities in the Kingdom  The Economic Factor. 
  • a.   Tourism Sector: Jordan enjoys geographical, historical, and natural attractions that made it the destination of tourists all year long. There are religious sites, historic sites, winter and summer resorts, hot springs, forests, desert, and beaches. The most prominent tourist sites in Jordan are Amman, Petra, the Dead Sea, Jerash, and Aqaba, where they contribute more than (900)million JDs which is (21%)of the GNP, in addition to providing (24) thousand direct job opportunity and (130) thousand indirect job opportunity.
  • b.    The Service Sector: The Jordanian service sector contributes about (70%) of the GNP and contributes in employing the majority of the work force. The finance, banking and insurance, estate, and business and administration services are considered among the pioneer sectors in Jordan.
  • c.    The Agricultural Sector:  Agriculture is an important sector in Jordan, it is the main income source for about (15%) of the population, and provides (6%) of the work force. This sector contributes the percentage of (10-20%) of GNP, and Jordan suffers from the low area of agricultural land because most of its area is located within the dry and semi-dry regions. The agricultural land is approximately 7% of the area of Jordan. The animal Wealth of Jordan is mainly composed of sheep, goats, cows, and chicken.
  • d. The Industrial Sector:  Industry is the most important economic activity. It contributes about 15% of the GNP and contains about 13% of the total work force in Jordan. It is also the main source of hard currency. It can be divided into two main sections: The mining sector and the conversion sector.
  • e. The Debts: Jordan economy suffers a relatively high amount of general debts that totaled at the end of the first half of 2006 to (7.589) billion JDs, divided into (2.4) billion JDs internal debts and (5.176) billion JDs external debts
  • Currency: Jordanian Dinar (JD)
  • Market Exchange Rate): US$1 = JD 0.71
 Social factor     
 Population:  5,8 milion (July 2003 est.)            Age structure:     
0-15 years: 37% 15-64 years: 60 % 65 years and over: 3 % Sex ratio: 
1.06 male(s)/femaleMedian age:         
total: 21.8 years Population growth rate: 
2.46% (2005 est.) Birth rate:           
2,46 %  (2005 est )            Death rate:          
2.62 deaths/1,000 population (2005 est.)            Net migration rate:         
6.78 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2005 est.)Nationality           JORDANIAN  Ethnic groups:        Arab 98%, Circassian 1%, Armenian 1% Religions:
Sunni Muslim 92%, Christian 6% (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), other 2% (several small She's Muslim and Druze populations) (2001 est.)          Languages:          
Arabic (official), English widely understood among upper and middle classesLiteracy:  
definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 91.3%
male: 95.9%
female: 86.3% (2005  est ) d.   Education:  The level of education in Jordan is the highest in the area. Education in Jordan is free for the basic education from grade one to ten. More than (20%) of the population carry on their education at universities, colleges, professional programs, where there are 25 public and private universities, in addition to many community colleges. e. Health care: Health care sector in Jordan has witnessed a great quantitative and qualitative development represented by the huge increase of public and private medical institutions, in addition to the increase of qualified and trained medical cadres and efficiencies, which made Jordan a regional center that attracts patients from neighboring Arab countries as well as European countries for the good reputation and high efficiency of the Jordanian health care sector 

The political factor:
 a.   The Regime: The regime is Hereditary Royal Constitutional.b. The Judicial Authority:  It is an independent authority from both the legislative and the executive authorities. Its prime role is to resolve the disputes of different natures among the citizens.c. The Legislative Authority:  Legislation is authorized only for His Majesty the King and the Parliament. The Parliament is composed of the Upper House and the Lower House, the Upper House is composed of (55) members who are assigned by His Majesty the King based on their long and prominent pubic service. The minimum age of the Upper House member is 40 years. His Majesty the King appoints the chairman from the members of the Upper House. The Upper House period is four years. The Lower House is composed of (110) representatives who are elected by the public once every four years or when the council is resolved.d. The Executive Authority:
  •  The Cabinet is the highest executive authority. It assumes the responsibility of all the government affairs through the ministers, chairmen of institutions, and authorities attached to the Prime Minister's office; In addition to the governors and local councils. His Majesty the King assumes the responsibility of appointing the Premier, relieve him from service, and accept his resignation. His Majesty, also, appoints the ministers, relieve them from service, and accept their resignation according to the Premiers recommendations.

Armed Forces and Security Agencies.

  The Jordan Armed Forces are constituted from the following three services:a.   Land Forces:  It is composed of four military commands and armor division, Special Forces and Independent Royal Guard Brigade.b.  Royal Air Force:  It is composed of five airbases and air transportation wing in addition to report and control units and air defense.c. The Royal Naval Force:.d .   jordan Public Security:The public security is one of the main and important parts of modern Jordan, so the formation of public security has passed through different stages according to the development in Jordan. The Public Security at the outset of Jordan State was part of the Arab lesion. The year 1958 was the year of establishment for the public security as an independent agency that is now connected to the ministry of interior.
  1. The Civil Defense:
The beginning of Civil Defense has started at the first emirate ,which used to carry out their duties by civilian groups. The regular civil defense was established finding the first center in Amman in 1956 and the 1st  Civil Defense law number 12 was issued in 1959 then after that the general directorate of civil defense was established which is connected with the ministry of interior. 

Jordanian Participation in UN Peace Keeping Operations

 a.   The beginning of participation: The Jordan participation has started in Angola on 12 December 1989, as international military observers mission, and the Jordanian participation can be summarized in the following missions:(1) Peacekeeping units.(2) Military observers.(3) CIVPOL(4) Liaison officers.(5) SHIRBIG.(6) Standby Forces(7)The other Jordanian participation were on the diplomatic and humanitarian levels such as (election observing, humanitarian aids and diplomatic efforts. b.   Type of Participation:  Jordan participation in different international peacekeeping missions which are requested by the UN such as (Military observers, peacekeeping units, Hospitals and UN mission required under Chapter six and seven of the UN convention). C .  Participated Forces Size: The size of the Jordanian participation up to now (Forces + observers) including the correct participants in peacekeeping operations is (41175) troops. d.    The Arab Army Martyrs in peacekeeping:Since starting the participation in peacekeeping operations, Jordan has offered many sacrifices of (18) martyrs and (375) injured, of whom (30) were severely injured 

Jordan International Relations:

  Jordan adopted foreign policy based on actual and balanced foundation. It is a clear expression of the role of Jordan within the International and Arabic interrelated spheres – and Jordan followed a flexible policy under the paradox, differences, and conflicts that prevail in the region. This provide Jordan with the time and space to maneuver which in turn provide Jordan with the immunity against the conflicts and negative differences, and grant the ability to be daring in tackling things that achieved the trust and respect of others. As Jordan adopted a flexible policy that lead to the goals without loosing the principles, it was able to achieve maximum gains and defending its interests through the constructive dialogue and objectivity in all easy and complicated issues. a. Jordan – UN relations: Jordan is an active member of the UN. Jordan joined the UN in 1946, hence Jordan stresses the importance of its role through spreading peace and stability in the world regardless of the various considerations of religion, race, and color.b. Jordan – US relations:  Jordan has special relations with the US in the fields of economy, politics, and military. Jordan stresses that the US plays an essential and indispensable role in the peace process, end the violence, and carry on the comprehensive political settlement in the region.c. The NATO–Mediterranean Dialogue: Jordan is a major contributor in the NATO-Mediterranean Dialogue by participating in the different activities that call for the approximation of views concerning the partnership and cooperation among the participants that benefit the states of the region.d. Jordan – Arab league relations:  Jordan is an establishing, active, and efficient member of the Arab league, who continuously seeks to activate its role. The Arab league forms the umbrella that guarantees the collective Arab states to perform their duties through the activation of the joint Arab action in all fields and at all levels, which may form a driving force that contributes to define respected status for the Arabs in the world. 

Jordan View of Peace in the Middle East

Jordan believes that peace in the Middle East must be the strategic choice for all peoples of the area. In order to ensure dignity and free life for the coming generations and realization of development in all sectors.
      Jordan sees that the international society should assume its responsibilities in resolving the Palestinian issue which is considered the core issue in the region, where the just and the lasting solution of this issue will remove the congestion state and violence reasons and the response violence, this solution must also include the postponed issues e.g. (borders, refugees, Jerusalem and water).
      Jordan also sees that the peace full solution in the area must be comprehensive through having the international community pushing the peace operation on the other tracks to create a secure and stable environment that allow  the peoples to cooperate and understand each other.
      Jordan Also sees that the Middle East area should be clear of weapons of mass destruction and to cooperate in the war against terrorism to realize peace and stability for all. 

The Jordanian – Israeli Peace Treaty.

  • The Jordanian – Israeli negotiations had started since Madrid conference on 30/10/99 in the Orient Palace in the Spanish Capital Madrid. On 25 June 1994 Washington declaration was reached in which the state of war was terminated between Jordan and Israel and peace has started, the negotiations ended by achieving the Jordanian – Israeli Peace treaty which was signed on 26/10/1994.
      This treaty included the following fire principle that governs the agenda of the joint understanding between two parts:
  • a. Seeking to achieve a comprehensive and just peace between Israel and its neighbors.
  • b. Continue the negotiations to reach peace according to the Security Council resolutions 242 and 338.
  • c. Observe Jordan historic role in the holy places in the current and future times.
  • d. The mutual recognition of sovereignty, unity of terrain and political and dependence.
  • e. Achieving permanent security and develop relations which aim to pass the psychological barriers and be reliefed from war heritage.

Viewpoint of Jordan in Ending the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.

  • a.   Jordan believes of Peace as a strategic option between all parties.
  • b.  The basic foundation of war on terror and abolishing counter violence lies in solving the central cause in the Middle East as His Majesty King Abdullah II confirmed many times.
  • c.   Jordan believes that the right and proper solution for the Palestinian –Israeli conflict is on the basis of two independent states which come through dialogue and negotiation away from the language of force and violence.
  • d.    Finding a just, comprehensive, and permanent solution and achieving security and stability in the region requires restoring the rights of its people, establishing a viable Palestinian State, and the withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories to the established borders of 4 June 1967.
  • e.    Establishing a Palestinian state on the Palestinian national soil with Jerusalem as the capital of this state is considered a high Jordanian national interest.

The Role of Jordan in the Security and Stability of the Middle East:


Jordan assumes a moderate and balanced position in dealing with the various issues of this region, and believes that peace option and negotiations is the only way to settle different conflicts, and the central cause and basis of conflict in the region is the Palestinian Cause. Without solving this problem, the region will be viable to violence eruption any moment. The Jordanian point of view in such matters is as follows:

a.  Palestine.
  Jordan views the Palestinian Question as the axial, historical and the basis of the conflict in the Middle East. So, Jordan is seeking solutions that contribute in ending the Arab-Israeli Conflict resulting in Israel's withdrawal from the 1967 Occupied Territories and the foundation a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of the Palestinian Refugees.

b. Iraq.
The Jordanian policies regarding Iraq stem from a national background. So, Jordan spends every possible effort to ease the suffering of the Iraqis and support the efforts aiming at helping the Iraqi people to determine their future by themselves and the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq as soon as possible. This will make it easier to build the new Iraq.

c.   Lebanon.
  Jordan had a great role in ending the Israeli aggression against Lebanon during the recent war, and establishing a military field hospital to ease the crisis. In addition to calling for lifting the Israeli blockade with the necessity of finding solutions for unsolved issues between the two countries and on top is the occupied Shab'a Farms and the exchange of POWs which is the basis of the problem and return to the normal situation. d.   Syria.   Jordan has very good and strong relations in all fields with the brotherly Syria. Jordan always emphasizes its support for Syria to indulge in peace negotiations with Israel in order to restore its rights and on top the occupied Golan Heights.  e.   Iran.   Concerning the Nuclear File of Iran, Jordan believes that the use of force to solve this issue will lead the region to catastrophic results, where this region cannot withstand any military operation. So, the Iranian issue requires to go on with the peaceful method and negotiations. 

The Jordanian Role in War on Terrorism

  • a.  Jordan was one of the first countries affected by terrorism. The beginning was the assassination of Martyr King Abdullah I while he was on his way to pray at AL-Aqsa Mosque. After that, a number of terrorist operations against Jordan followed, from the assassination of Prime Minister Haza AL-Majali, the assassination of Prime Minister Wasfi AL-Tal to Aqaba and Amman Hotels terrorist explosions on 9 November 2005.
  • b.  These terrorist actions will never deter Jordan with its wise Hashemite leader ship from playing the role in which we believe in fighting terror and extremist groups, for Jordan holds the Islamic and Arab nations Message to the whole world which is clearly manifested in launching Amman Message and hosting the First Islamic International Conference in Amman. In addition to  these efforts, His Majesty's continuous tours all over the world carrying and conveying the real picture of Islam reflecting the truth of this religion as opposite to the ideas reflected by those who are not true Muslims. 
 c.    Jordan has established a Counter-Terrorism Center to train special units on how to deal and counter such operations whatever the type and the source is. d.   Jordan exchanges information regarding detecting and abolishing of terrorist operations with the brotherly and friendly nations within the War on Terror system. e.   Jordan participates, and through the concerned establishments, in this important issue and on all local, regional and international levels to achieve a more secure and stable world. f.    Jordan sees that such thoughts of accusing others of blasphemy is not related to Islam and it is unacceptable for a Muslim to accuse another of blasphemy and waste his blood whatever the motives are for who kills a Muslim intentionally will lead an immortal life in hell.  

To read the Amman Message, click here.

To read about CENTCOM's posture regarding Jordan, click here .