
Map of Greece

Support to the Global War on Terror

Hellenic Joint General of Staff main task is to contribute to peace and international security through organization such as UN, NATO, EU.


Greece has been one of the first nations to apply resolution 1386 / 2001 of the United Nations Security Council, on the establishment of the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF), with the provision of the following forces and assets (The total force of the Hellenic contribution amounted to 180 persons):
  • One (1) Hellenic Army Engineer- -Company, specialized in Peace Keeping Missions­, reinforced with security and support elements (Total strength of 128 persons and 56 vehicles and machinery).
  • One (1) C-130 Transportation Aircraft with crew for airlifts, on station in Athens.
  • One Mobile Field Surgical Hospital role II (299 HFSH) settled in Kabul Airport for 2 years from August 22nd 2005. Additionally Greek medical staff held medical training for 8 Afghan doctors in Kabul (Dec 06 –Jan 07).
  • About 20 cadres manning ISAF Headquarters, the Regional Command Capital (RCC) and KAIA.
  • Greece undertook the command of Kabul International Airport (KAIA), as frame work nation, from Des 05 for four-month period.
During the last informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Apr 07, the Greek Foreign Minister announced that Greece would offer 13 M60A3 battle tanks and 300 AK-47 submachine guns. The AK-47s were delivered in September and the battle tanks are ready to be delivered after the Afghan’s government acceptance.The annual cost of the Greek participation in ISAF amounts to almost 25 million euros (32 million USD) per year. An additional amount of 15 million euros (20 million USD) has been offered for the reconstruction program of Afghanistan, in the course of the next 5 years.   


Right after the terrorist attacks of September, 11th in New York, Greece has been one of the first countries to immediately respond to the request of the USA to create a coalition of willing nations, with the aim of combating terrorism (OEF) with the provision of the following:·        Deployed 1 FG (total 6 frigates from 2002 to 2003) in Arabian Sea in support of CTF-150. 
  • Souda Bay Naval Base, activated as Forward Logistic Site (FLS), with the highest degree of readiness and security against any threat.
  • Souda Air Base, providing support to Allied Aircraft.
·        Enhancing the security measures of U.S facilities in SOUDA Air Base, with  the  provision of one (1) paratroopers Company (80 men approximately).·        Greece avails one (1) C-130 to transport Humanitarian Assistance and equipment for the Afghan National Army, donated by other countries.·        Assignment of 3 Staff Officers (1 x Army, Navy, Air Force) to the HQ of USCENTCOM, Tampa, FL.Humanitarian Support to the people of AfghanistanHellenic contribution aims, in cooperation with the international community, at improving the living standards of the Afghan people, and in particular in fighting poverty, heavily affecting the more vulnerable parts of the population. The contribution of HFA is the following:2002 - 2007
  • Provision of humanitarian aid, including 3000 blouses, 200 pairs of shoes, 2000 books, school stationery, sports equipment,1000 fresh food rations and 3500 dry food rations to schools and orphanages in Kabul.
  • Provision of pediatric treatment for the students of the Abdul Reheed School in Kabul.
  • Offer of two general purpose vehicles (Μ/S 290 GD) to the Government of Afghanistan.
  • Provision of clothing and pharmaceutical  material to a hospital in Kabul. Offer of 2 tons of medical  supplies to the maternity hospital of Kabul.
  • Reconstruction – widening of the “DESPERADO” route of a total length of 4 km in the area of the airport of Kabul.
  • Reconstruction of a primary school in the Pol-e-Charkie area in the outskirts of Kabul Construction of the water supply network and of sewage works in its zone of responsibility.
  • Construction of high guard-towers within the headquarters of ISAF.
  • Construction of the main gate of CAMP “INVICTIA”, in cooperation with the Italian Engineers.
  • Construction of three heavy weapons assembly areas (DDR program).
  • Construction of a permanent bridge, and repair of two others within the area of Kabul.
  • Reconstruction and fortification of the Pass guard house. Training of ANA in Signals-related topics.
  • Placement of aircraft spare-part warehousing tents in the airport of Kabul.
  • Execution of earthmoving works to improve the United Nations warehouses’ area.
  • Participation in earthmoving and road improvement works in various sectors of the area of operations in Kabul.
Apart from that, Greek airplanes have transported Egyptian, Romanian, Swiss, Albanian and Greek donations to Kabul, Afghanistan in 2002.OIFHellenic Provided support to OIF as following:
  • Activated SOUDA Bay Naval Base as a forward logistics site (FLS).
  • Granted blanket over-flight and landing clearance and support within Hellenic air space at all major airports.
  • Provided security at military installations where NATO/U.S. facilities exist.
·        Enhanced security at US facilities at SOUDA Air Base with paratrooper company.
  • Providing medical services at the Naval Hospital in SOUDA.
  • Supplied Allied Navy units at SOUDA Naval Station.
  • Handled Allied aircraft at SOUDA AFB (loading, arming and storage of aircraft weapons and ammunitions).
  • Extended flight operations.
  • Use of JP8 fuel.
  • Increased communications capabilities.
  • Increased SAM readiness state of alert.
  • Increased SOF presence and naval patrols to safeguard US personnel.
  • Provided $6.5M USD in Humanitarian Assistance.
  • Greece, supporting the international effort for the reconstruction of Iraq, has contributed with humanitarian aid of five million euros and three more million, through the International Conference of Donors. Additionally, Greece has provided training to Iraqi military doctors, in Greek military hospitals. It has also donated 36 refurbished BMP-1 armored vehicles (with 2 Guns on Board 7,62mm and 72mm) on November 2005 and ammunition, while an additional number of 64 BMP-1s have  already been delivered to Iraq (5.4 M euros) on December 2006. Engineering and communications equipment, ammunition and small arms, have also been donated.
  • Greece transported 82 Hungarian donated T-72 tanks and related equipment, total cost of the transportation paid by Greece $ 1,5 million.
  • Finally following an agreement with Iraq and Bulgaria, Greece has provided training for 30 cadres of the Iraqi Security Forces, on the premises of the Military University at Veliko Tyrnovo, in Bulgaria on August 2006. The training has been conducted and supervised by a Greek mobile training team of seven instructors, provided by the Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center, located at Kilkis, Greece.
 The total cost of the Greek contribution to Iraq amounts up to date (2007) to 16.5 million euros (US $ 21.000.000). 

Future Contributions to Iraq:

  • Additional number of BMP-1 Armored Personnel Carriers will also be delivered in the future.
  • Mobile Training Team (MTT) to train ISFM border security, Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and staff officer training.  At present, can offer MTT from Hellenic Peace Support Training to train ISF at already existing facilities in Greece.
LINKS   Greek liaison team stationed in Tampa USCENTCOM (since19 Dec 2001) in support of OEF:Phone: 813-827-1662/1664/1768 – Fax 813-827-1667. 
Hellenic National Defense General Staff 
Hellenic Ministry of National Defense

Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs