
Map of Ethiopia

Ethiopia started fighting terrorism prior to 9/11/01 when the international terrorists attempt to kill the Egyptian president Mubarak in the capital city of Ethiopia and the host city of AU, Addis Ababa in 1996.
Using Somalia’s ungoverned state as their safe haven the international terrorists started attacking Ethiopian civil society in different towns in recreation places in different times by explosive devices killing & wounding many people, destroying public properties in 1996/97.After these all acts & damages was the Ethiopian government forced to take comprehensive force majors ,and able to kill & capture almost all perpetuators of the explosives ,killers of innocents, and brought them before the law.   
Our troops took major action inside their base in Somalia, Gedio region, looking to put under control their base which the terrorists were using for training and as a sprig place for their terrorist attack in 1996/97.

After 9/11/01

When the international community consolidated its struggle against terrorism, Ethiopia was one of the GWOT members sending its representatives to Tampa in 2001.
Ethiopia gave access for OEF, OIF by allowing its air space for flight.
After the terrorists control Mogadishu, try to dismiss the internationally recognized transitional government of Somalia and try to destabilize regional peace & stability Ethiopian troops in collaboration with the Somali people & TFG cleared the terrorist force & still our forces are in Somalia in provision of peace and stability in Somalia as well as the region.  

Click here to read CENTCOM's posture statement about Ethiopia