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  • Sec.  3531. Congressional declaration of purpose.
  • Sec.  3532. Establishment of Department.
  • Sec.  3533. Officers of Department.
  • Sec.  3533a. Transferred.
  • Sec.  3534. Transfer of functions.
  • Sec.  3535. Administrative provisions.
  • Sec.  3536. Annual reports.
  • Sec.  3537. Separability.
  • Sec.  3537a. Prohibition of advance disclosure of funding decisions.
  • Sec.  3537b. Repealed.
  • Sec.  3537c. Prohibition of lump-sum payments.
  • Sec.  3538. Rescheduling and refinancing of Federal loans.
  • Sec.  3539. Housing and Urban Development Disaster Assistance Fund.
  • Sec.  3540. Repealed.
  • Sec.  3541. Paperwork reduction.
  • Sec.  3542. Public notice and comment regarding demonstration programs not expressly authorized in law.
  • Sec.  3543. Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs.
  • Sec.  3544. Preventing fraud and abuse in housing and urban development programs.
  • Sec.  3545. HUD accountability.
  • Sec.  3546. Use of domestic products.
  • Sec.  3547. Special projects.
  • Sec.  3548. Semiannual report on contracts and task orders.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)