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rwb rule
  • Sec.  9201. Congressional findings and declaration of purpose.
  • Sec.  9202. Definitions.
  • Sec.  9203. Comprehensive program management plan.
  • Sec.  9204. Research, development, and demonstration.
  • Sec.  9205. Technology application programs.
  • Sec.  9206. Wind resource assessment.
  • Sec.  9207. Criteria for program selection.
  • Sec.  9208. Administrative provisions.
  • Sec.  9209. Utilization of capabilities and facilities.
  • Sec.  9210. Analysis of applications of wind energy systems.
  • Sec.  9211. Encouragement and protection of small business.
  • Sec.  9212. General provisions.
  • Sec.  9213. Authorization of appropriations.
bwr rule

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(Last updated January 8, 2004)