Office of Science Office of Nuclear Physics



DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 19, 2004 to Friday, February 20, 2004

Crystal City Marriott, 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA  
(Located at the Crystal City Metro Station, (under the hotel))

Telephone Number:  703-413-0192
Fax Number:  703-413-0192


  • Perspectives from Department of Energy and National Science Foundation
  • Presentation and Discussion on the Report from the Sub-Committee on Committee of Visitors to the DOE Office of Nuclear Physics
  • Discussion of NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter on Committee of Visitors Report
  • Presentation and Discussion on the Report from the Sub-Committee on GSI to RIA Comparison
  • Discussion of NSAC Response and Transmittal Letter on GSI to RIA Comparison Report

For further information you can contact Brenda May at 301-903-0536


Thursday, February 19, 2004 
Time   Topic Speaker
9:00 AM Introductory remarks and welcome to new members Casten
9:30 AM DOE Perspective Kovar
10:00 AM Remarks from Raymond Orbach, DOE Orbach
10:30 AM   Break  
10:45 AM NSF Perspective Keister
11:15 AM Presentation of COV Report Cameron
12:00 PM First Discussion of COV Report Casten
12:45 PM   Lunch  
1:45 PM Presentation of GSI/RIA Report Bond
2:30 PM First Discussion of GSI/RIA Report Casten
3:15 PM   Break  
3:30 PM Further discussions of COV Report Casten
4:00 PM Further discussion of GSI/RIA Report Casten
4:30 PM Public Comment
5:00 PM   Adjourn  
Friday, February 20, 2004 
Time   Topic Speaker
9:00 AM Discussion of Transmittal letter for COV Report Casten
9:45 AM Discussion of Transmittal letter for GSI/RIA Report Casten
10:30 AM Remarks from Michael Turner, NSF Turner
11:15 AM   Break  
11:45 AM Other business (New Charge) Casten/Kovar/Keister
12:30 PM Adjourn  

Last updated 02/24/04.