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  • Sec.  1471. Definitions.
  • Sec.  1472. Grave and imminent danger from oil pollution casualties to coastline or related interests of United States; Federal nonliability for Federal preventive measures on the high seas.
  • Sec.  1473. Consultations and determinations respecting creation of hazards to human health, etc.; criteria for determinations respecting grave and imminent dangers of major harmful consequences to United States coastline or related interests.
  • Sec.  1474. Federal intervention actions.
  • Sec.  1475. Consultation procedure.
  • Sec.  1476. Emergencies.
  • Sec.  1477. Reasonable measures; considerations.
  • Sec.  1478. Personal, flag state, and foreign state considerations.
  • Sec.  1479. Federal liability for unreasonable damages.
  • Sec.  1480. Notification by Secretary of State.
  • Sec.  1481. Violations; penalties.
  • Sec.  1482. Consultation for nomination and nomination of experts, negotiators, etc.; proposal of amendments to list of substances other than convention oil; Presidential acceptance of amendments.
  • Sec.  1483. Foreign government ships; immunity.
  • Sec.  1484. Interpretation and administration; other right, duty, privilege, or immunity and other remedy unaffected.
  • Sec.  1485. Rules and regulations.
  • Sec.  1486. Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
  • Sec.  1487. Effective date.
bwr rule

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(Last updated May 8, 2002)

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