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Rule 200. Admission to Practice and Periodic Registration Fee

(a) Qualifications: (1) General: An applicant for admission to practice before the Court must establish to the satisfaction of the Court that the applicant is of good moral character and repute and is possessed of the requisite qualifications to represent others in the preparation and trial of cases. In addition, the applicant must satisfy the further requirements of this Rule 200.

(2) Attorneys: An attorney at law may be admitted to practice upon filing with the Admissions Clerk a completed application accompanied by a fee to be established by the Court, see Appendix III, and a current certificate from the Clerk of the appropriate court, showing that the applicant has been admitted to practice before and is a member in good standing of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, or of the highest or appropriate court of any State or of the District of Columbia, or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States. A current court certificate is one executed within 90 calendar days preceding the date of the filing of the application.

(3) Other Applicants: An applicant, not an attorney at law, must file with the Admissions Clerk a completed application accompanied by a fee to be established by the Court. See Appendix III. In addition, such an applicant, as a condition of being admitted to practice, must give evidence of the applicant's qualifications satisfactory to the Court by means of a written examination given by the Court, and the Court may require such person, in addition, to give similar evidence by means of an oral examination.

(b) Application: An application for admission to practice before the Court must be on the form provided by the Court. Application forms and other necessary information will be furnished upon request addressed to the Admissions Clerk, United States Tax Court, 400 Second St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20217.

(c) Sponsorship: An applicant for admission by examination must be sponsored by at least two persons theretofore admitted to practice before this Court, and each sponsor must send a letter of recommendation directly to the Admissions Clerk of the Court, where it will be treated as a confidential communication. The sponsor shall send this letter promptly after the applicant has been notified that he or she has passed the written examination required by paragraph (d). The sponsor shall state fully and frankly the extent of the sponsor's acquaintance with the applicant, the sponsor's opinion of the moral character and repute of the applicant, and the sponsor's opinion of the qualifications of the applicant to practice before this Court. The Court may in its discretion accept such an applicant with less than two such sponsors.

(d) Written Examinations: Written examinations, for applicants other than attorneys at law, will be held no less often than every two years. By public announcement at least six months prior to the date of the examination, the Court will announce the date and time of such examination. The Court will notify each applicant, whose application is in order, of the time and place at which the applicant is to be present for examination, and the applicant must present that notice to the examiner as authority for taking such an examination.

(e) Checks and Money Orders: Where the application fee is paid by check or money order, it shall be made payable to the order of the "Clerk, United States Tax Court".

(f) Admission: Upon approval of an application for admission and satisfaction of the other applicable requirements, an applicant will be admitted to practice before the Court upon taking and subscribing the oath or affirmation prescribed by the Court. Such an applicant shall thereupon be entitled to a certificate of admission.

(g) Change of Address: Each person admitted to practice before the Court shall promptly notify the Admissions Clerk of any change in office address for mailing purposes. See also Rule 21(b)(4) regarding the filing of a separate notice for each docket number in which such person has entered an appearance.

(h) Corporations and Firms Not Eligible: Corporations and firms will not be admitted to practice or recognized before the Court.

(i) Periodic Registration Fee: (1) Each practitioner admitted to practice before the Court shall pay a periodic registration fee. The frequency and amount of such fee shall be determined by the Court, except that such amount shall not exceed $30 per calendar year. The Clerk shall maintain an Ineligible List containing the names of all practitioners failing to comply with the provisions of this Rule. No practitioner shall be permitted to commence a case in the Court or enter an appearance in a pending case while on the Ineligible List. The name of any practitioner appearing on the Ineligible List shall not be removed from the List until the currently due registration fee has been paid and all arrearages have been made current. The periodic registration fee must be paid by all persons admitted to practice before the Court, whether or not engaged in private practice. As to forms of payment, see Rule 11.

(2) The fees described in Rule 200(i)(1) shall be used by the Court to employ independent counsel to pursue disciplinary matters.

Rule 201. Conduct of Practice Before the Court

(a) General: Practitioners before the Court shall carry on their practice in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct of the American Bar Association.

(b) Statement of Employment: The Court may require any practitioner before it to furnish a statement, under oath, of the terms and circumstances of his or her employment in any case.

Rule 202. Disqualification, Suspension, or Disbarment

(a) General: The Court may deny admission to its Bar to, or suspend, or disbar, any person who in its judgment does not possess the requisite qualifications to represent others, or who is lacking in character, integrity, or proper professional conduct. Upon the conviction of any practitioner admitted to practice before this Court for a criminal violation of any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or for any crime involving moral turpitude, or where any practitioner has been suspended or disbarred from the practice of his or her profession in any State or the District of Columbia, or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, the Court may, in the exercise of its discretion, forthwith suspend such practitioner from the Bar of this Court until further order of Court; but otherwise no person shall be suspended for more than 60 days or disbarred until such person has been afforded an opportunity to be heard. A Judge of the Court may immediately suspend any person for not more than 60 days for contempt or misconduct during the course of any trial or hearing.

(b) Disciplinary Proceedings: (1) Referral to Counsel: When misconduct or allegations of misconduct which, if substantiated, would warrant discipline of a practitioner shall come to the attention of the Court, whether by complaint or otherwise, and the applicable procedure is not otherwise mandated by these Rules (see paragraph (a) of this Rule), the Court, in its discretion, may refer the matter to counsel to the Court (appointed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of this Rule) for investigation and the prosecution of a formal disciplinary proceeding or the formation of such other recommendation as may be appropriate.

(2) Investigation and Recommendation: If counsel concludes after investigation and review that a formal disciplinary proceeding should not be initiated against the practitioner because sufficient evidence is not present, or because there is pending another proceeding against the practitioner, the disposition of which in the judgment of counsel should be awaited before further action by this Court is considered, or for any other valid reason, then counsel shall file with the Court a recommendation for disposition of the matter, whether by dismissal, admonition, deferral, or otherwise, setting forth the reasons therefor.

(3) Initiation of Proceedings: To initiate formal disciplinary proceedings, the Court shall enter an order (or, where counsel is appointed, such counsel shall obtain an order of the Court upon a showing of probable cause) requiring the practitioner to show cause within 30 days after service of that order upon that practitioner, why the practitioner should not be disciplined.

(4) Hearing: Upon the practitioner's answer to the order to show cause, if any issue of fact is raised or the practitioner wishes to be heard in mitigation, then this Court shall set the matter for prompt hearing before one or more Judges of this Court. However, if the disciplinary proceeding is predicated upon the complaint of a Judge of this Court, then the hearing shall be conducted before a panel of three other Judges of this Court appointed by the Chief Judge.

(5) Right to Counsel: In all proceedings conducted under the provisions of this Rule, the practitioner shall have the right to be represented by counsel.

(c) Reinstatement: (1) After Disbarment or Suspension: A practitioner suspended for 60 days or less shall be automatically reinstated at the end of the period of suspension. A practitioner suspended for more than 60 days or disbarred may not resume practice until reinstated by order of this Court.

(2) Hearing on Application: A petition for reinstatement by a disbarred or suspended practitioner under this Rule shall be filed with the Court. Upon receipt of the petition, the Court may promptly refer the petition to counsel and shall assign the matter for prompt hearing before one or more Judges of this Court. However, if the disciplinary proceeding was predicated upon the complaint of a Judge of this Court, then the hearing shall be conducted before a panel of three other Judges of this Court appointed by the Chief Judge. The Judge or Judges assigned to the matter shall, as promptly as the Court's business shall permit, schedule a hearing at which the practitioner shall have the burden of demonstrating by clear and convincing evidence that the practitioner has the moral qualifications, competency and learning in the law required for admission to practice before this Court and that the practitioner's resumption of such practice will not be detrimental to the integrity and standing of the Bar or to the administration of justice, or subversive of the public interest.

(3) Successive Petitions: No petition for reinstatement under this Rule shall be filed within 1 year following an adverse decision upon a petition for reinstatement filed by or on behalf of the same person.

(d) Presentation to the Court: When counsel is to be appointed pursuant to this Rule to investigate allegations of misconduct or prosecute disciplinary proceedings or in conjunction with a reinstatement petition filed by a practitioner, this Court shall appoint as counsel to the Court a member of the Bar of this Court who is a resident of or who practices in the same Federal judicial circuit (see 28 U.S.C. Section 41), except the Federal Circuit, as the Federal judicial circuit which includes the practitioner's place of residence or practice. The practitioner may move to disqualify a person so appointed for cause, for example, if such person is or has been engaged as an adversary of the practitioner in any matter. Counsel, once appointed, may not resign unless permission to do so is given by the Court.

(e) Jurisdiction: Nothing contained in this Rule shall be construed to deny to this Court such powers as are necessary for the Court to maintain control over proceedings conducted before it, such as proceedings for contempt under Code Section 7456.

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