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Rule 180. Assignment

The Chief Judge may from time to time designate a Special Trial Judge (see Rule 3(d)) to deal with any matter pending before the Court in accordance with these Rules and such directions as may be prescribed by the Chief Judge.

Rule 181. Powers and Duties

Subject to the specifications and limitations in orders designating Special Trial Judges and in accordance with the applicable provisions of these Rules, Special Trial Judges have and shall exercise the power to regulate all proceedings in any matter before them, including the conduct of trials, pretrial conferences, and hearings on motions, and to do all acts and take all measures necessary or proper for the efficient performance of their duties. They may require the production before them of evidence upon all matters embraced within their assignment, including the production of all books, papers, vouchers, documents, and writings applicable thereto, and they have the authority to put witnesses on oath and to examine them. Special Trial Judges may rule upon the admissibility of evidence, in accordance with the provisions of Code Sections 7453 and 7463, and may exercise such further and incidental authority, including ordering the issuance of subpoenas, as may be necessary for the conduct of trials or other proceedings.

Rule 182. Cases Involving $10,000 or Less

Except as otherwise directed by the Chief Judge, the following procedure shall be observed in small tax cases (as defined in Rule 171) and in all other cases where neither the amount of the deficiency placed in dispute (within the meaning of Code Section 7463), nor the amount of any claimed overpayment, exceeds $10,000:

(a) Small Tax Cases: Except in cases where findings of fact or opinion are stated orally pursuant to Rule 152, a Special Trial Judge who conducts the trial of a small tax case shall, as soon after such trial as shall be practicable, prepare a summary of the facts and reasons for the proposed disposition of the case, which then shall be submitted promptly to the Chief Judge, or, if the Chief Judge shall so direct, to a Judge or Division of the Court.

(b) Other Cases Involving $10,000 or Less: Except in cases where findings of fact or opinion are stated orally pursuant to Rule 152, a Special Trial Judge who conducts the trial of a case (other than a small tax case) where neither the amount of the deficiency placed in dispute (within the meaning of Code Section 7463), nor the amount of any claimed overpayment, exceeds $10,000 shall, as soon after such trial as shall be practicable, prepare proposed findings of fact and opinion, which shall then be submitted promptly to the Chief Judge.

(c) Decision: The Chief Judge may authorize the Special Trial Judge to make the decision of the Court in any small tax case (as defined in Rule 171) and in any other case where neither the amount of the deficiency placed in dispute (within the meaning of Code Section 7463), nor the amount of any claimed overpayment, exceeds $10,000, subject to such conditions and review as the Chief Judge may provide.


For interim amendment of this Rule, see provisions set out after the Appendices to the Rules.

Rule 183. Cases Involving More than $10,000

Except in cases subject to the provisions of Rule 182 or as otherwise provided, the following procedure shall be observed in cases tried before a Special Trial Judge:

(a) Trial and Briefs: A Special Trial Judge shall conduct the trial of any such case assigned for such purpose. After such trial, the parties shall submit their briefs in accordance with the provisions of Rule 151. Unless otherwise directed, no further briefs shall be filed.

(b) Special Trial Judge's Report: After all the briefs have been filed by all the parties or the time for doing so has expired, the Special Trial Judge shall submit a report, including findings of fact and opinion, to the Chief Judge, and the Chief Judge will assign the case to a Judge or Division of the Court.

(c) Action on the Report: The Judge to whom or the Division to which the case is assigned may adopt the Special Trial Judge's report or may modify it or may reject it in whole or in part, or may direct the filing of additional briefs or may receive further evidence or may direct oral argument, or may recommit the report with instructions. Due regard shall be given to the circumstance that the Special Trial Judge had the opportunity to evaluate the credibility of witnesses, and the findings of fact recommended by the Special Trial Judge shall be presumed to be correct.


For interim amendment of this Rule, see provisions set out after the Appendices to the Rules.

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(Last updated May 10, 2002)

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(Last updated January 21, 2004)