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Rule 130. Motions and Other Matters

(a) Calendars: If a hearing is to be held on a motion or other matter, apart from a trial on the merits, then such hearing ordinarily will be held at Washington, D.C., on a motion calendar called on Wednesday throughout the year, unless the Court, on its own motion or on the motion of a party, shall direct otherwise. As to hearings at other places, see Rule 50(b)(2). The parties will be given notice of the place and time of hearing.

(b) Failure to Attend: The Court may hear a matter ex parte where a party fails to appear at such a hearing. With respect to attendance at such hearings, see Rule 50(c).

Rule 131. Trial Calendars

(a) General: Each case, when at issue, will be placed upon a calendar for trial at the place designated in accordance with Rule 140. The Clerk shall notify the parties of the place and time for which the calendar is set.

(b) Standing Pretrial Order: In order to facilitate the orderly and efficient disposition of all cases on a trial calendar, at the direction of the trial judge, the Clerk shall include with the notice of trial a Standing Pretrial Order or other instructions for trial preparation. Unexcused failure to comply with any such order may subject a party or a party's counsel to sanctions. See, e.g., Rules 104, 123, and 202.

(c) Calendar Call: Each case appearing on a trial calendar will be called at the time and place scheduled. At the call, counsel or the parties shall indicate their estimate of the time required for trial. The cases for trial will thereupon be tried in due course, but not necessarily in the order listed.

Rule 132. Special or Other Calendars

Special or other calendars may be scheduled by the Court, upon motion or at its own initiative, for any purpose which the Court may deem appropriate. The parties involved shall be notified of the place and time of such calendars.

Rule 133. Continuances

A case or matter scheduled on a calendar may be continued by the Court upon motion or at its own initiative. A motion for continuance shall inform the Court of the position of the other parties with respect thereto, either by endorsement thereon by the other parties or by a representation of the moving party. A motion for continuance based upon the pendency in a court of a related case or cases shall include the name and docket number of any such related case, the names of counsel for the parties in such case, and the status of such case, and shall identify all issues common to any such related case. Continuances will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Conflicting engagements of counsel or employment of new counsel ordinarily will not be regarded as ground for continuance. A motion for continuance, filed 30 days or less prior to the date to which it is directed, may be set for hearing on that date, but ordinarily will be deemed dilatory and will be denied unless the ground therefor arose during that period or there was good reason for not making the motion sooner. As to extensions of time, see Rule 25(c).

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(Last updated May 10, 2002)

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(Last updated January 21, 2004)