Office of Science


Publication Details

Soft-Landing of Peptide IOns Onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces: an Overview.


Laskin J, P Wang, and O Hadjar.2008."Soft-Landing of Peptide IOns Onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces: an Overview."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 10(8):1079-1090. doi:10.1039/b712710c


This review is focused on what has been learned in recent research studies concerned with fundamental aspects of soft-landing and reactive landing of peptide ions on self-assembled monolayer surfaces (SAMs). Peptide ions are particularly attractive model systems that provide important insights on the behavior of soft landed proteins, while SAMs provide a convenient and flexible platform for tailoring the interfacial properties of metals and semiconductor surfaces. Deposition of mass-selected ions on surfaces is accompanied by a number of processes including charge reduction, neutralization, covalent and non-covalent binding, and thermal desorption of ions and molecules from the substrate. Factors that affect the competition between these processes are discussed.