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rwb rule
  • Sec.  107. Operation of vending facilities.
  • Sec.  107a. Federal and State responsibilities.
  • Sec.  107b. Application for designation as State licensing agency; cooperation with Secretary; furnishing initial stock.
  • Sec.  107b-1. Access to information with State licensing agencies; election and responsibilities of Committee of Blind Vendors.
  • Sec.  107b-2. Omitted.
  • Sec.  107b-3. Audit of nonappropriated fund activities.
  • Sec.  107c. Repealed.
  • Sec.  107d. Expenditures.
  • Sec.  107d-1. Grievances of blind licensees.
  • Sec.  107d-2. Arbitration.
  • Sec.  107d-3. Vending machine income.
  • Sec.  107d-4. Training programs for maximum vocational potential for blind.
  • Sec.  107e. Definitions.
  • Sec.  107e-1. Repealed.
  • Sec.  107f. Authorization of appropriations.
bwr rule

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(Last updated April 16, 2004)