Office of Science

Analytical: Chromatograph: Liquid

Quick Specs

  • Binary gradient pump flow rate of 0 ml/min to 5 ml/min
  • Thermostated column compartment with temperature range of 10° below ambient to 80°C
  • Thermostatted autosamplerwith temperature range from 4°C to 40°C
  • Injection volume of 0.1 - 100 μl standard up to 1500 μl with multiple draw option; manual injector available
  • Diode array detector: 190 nm to 950 nm with a spectral resolution of 1 nm
  • Variable wavelength detector: 190 nm to 600 nm

The Agilent 1100 Series liquid chromatography system is used for all research areas that require quantitative determination of nonvolatile and thermally labile chemicals. This instrument is equipped with three detectors:

A wide variety of columns also are available, depending on chromatography needs. Control, automation, and data handling are accomplished using either MassLynx™ NT® software, Hewlett Packard ChemStation, or the Agilent 1100 Series control module.

Performance Specifications

Binary gradient pump Flow rate of 0 ml/min to 5 ml/min
4-channel inline vacuum degasser  
Thermostated column compartment Temperature range of 10° below ambient to 80°C
Thermostatted autosampler Temperature range from 4°C to 40°C
Injection volume 0.1 - 100 μl standard up to 1500 μl with multiple draw option; manual injector available
Diode array detector 190 nm to 950 nm with a spectral resolution of 1 nm
Variable wavelength detector 190 nm to 600 nm
Mass spectrometer Mass range 2 Dalton to 3000 Dalton quadrupole mass filter
Liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer interfaces Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and electrospray ionization

Sample Preparation

The laboratory that houses this instrument contains the necessary support items for sample preparation, including auto pipettes, a microbalance, nanopure water, and numerous calibration standards.

Individuals may use this instrument independently for their research following the necessary training.

  1. Mechanisms controlling soil carbon turnover and their potential application for enhancing carbon sequestration .
  2. Quantitative Proteome Analysis of Breast Cancer Cell Lines using 18O-Labeling and an Accurate Mass and Time Tag Strategy.
  3. Comparison of Normal and Breast Cancer Cell lines using Proteome, Genome and Interactome data.
Wietsma, Tom | , 509-371-6375