Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/9/99

Series: Information

Part 470: Public Expression

Chapter 1: General Policy and Procedures

Originating Office: Office of Communications

470 DM 1

l.l Department Information Policy. As a vital and integral part of its over-all mission, the Department of the Interior (Department) has a continuing responsibility to keep its constituencies and the general public informed of its many programs and activities. The Department welcomes public examination of these programs and activities, not only as an inherent public right under our system of government, but also because public understanding and discussion are essential to the effective planning, conduct, and accomplishment of Department activities.

A. Freedom of Information Act. It is the policy of the Department and the Office of Communications (OCO) to provide the public prompt access to information about the Department's activities, in accord with long-standing Department policy as well as the provisions and spirit of the Freedom of Information Act. Disclosure will be the general rule, not the exception. The burden will be on the Department to justify withholding of a document.

B. Diverse Representation. All Department of the Interior publications and audiovisual productions will, where appropriate, strive to achieve a racial, ethnic, age and persons with disabilities balance in depiction and content. Materials produced will also avoid the use of sexist language or characterizations. Consideration will be given to producing materials in languages other than in English with appropriate outreach efforts to minority media.

C. Sale of Publications. It is the policy of the Department to sell copies of certain Department publications. Consistent with 43 U.S.C. ยง 1460, funds from such sales are deposited into the United States Treasury and credited to the appropriation charged with the costs of the publication.

D. Nongovernment Media. It is the policy of the Department to increase dissemination of information by stressing reliance on suitable nongovernment media.

E. Paid Advertising. It is not the general policy of the Department to use paid advertising in any publication in connection with its programs and activities, except where special legal requirements and authority exist. In the event that any bureau or office believes paid advertising is necessary because of the significant benefits it affords in enhancing public participation, prior approval must be obtained from the bureau public affairs office.

(1) Procurement offices will not award a purchase order for paid advertising in any publication without written approval of the bureau public affairs office or OCO.

(2) No paid advertising will be approved or authorized without strong justification which supports a critical program or activity.

(3) Bureau public affairs offices will determine when review is required by OCO. OCO can relieve the bureau public affairs office of approval authority upon discovery of inappropriate or improper justification.

l.2 Responsibility. The overall responsibility for assuring adherence to this information posture rests with OCO, which coordinates the general information activities of all bureaus and offices of the Department.

l.3 Procedures. The following procedures will apply throughout the Department:

A. All Washington headquarters news releases will be cleared by OCO prior to release. Moreover, news releases planned for release at field level by any Department bureau or office will be subject to prior approval by OCO if a policy announcement is involved or if widespread news coverage is anticipated. In addition, all releases quoting the Secretary, Assistant Secretaries or bureau heads must be cleared by OCO. Phone calls to media and other techniques intended to initiate news coverage in these areas should be treated as news releases.

(1) To assist in the prompt issuance of news releases concerning major decisions by the Secretary, an advance draft of a news release will be prepared and attached to each significant decision or action document intended for Secretarial action. The draft news release will be prepared under the guidance of the Assistant Secretary recommending the anticipated decision, with the help of a bureau public information officer, and will contain essential background information and rationale for the action expected to be taken.

(2) For procedures governing advance preparation of news releases on notices and documents to appear in the Federal Register, see 3l8 DM.

(3) On some issues and public awareness efforts, OCO may require a more comprehensive communications plan.

B. All major speeches which enunciate or explain important Department policy to be made by members of the Office of the Secretary, and by headquarters officials of bureaus and offices, are subject to prior review by OCO. Speeches by bureau and office officials also will be reviewed by the office of the appropriate Assistant Secretary prior to submittal to OCO. Speeches must be in the hands of OCO, complete with all prior clearances, at least 48 hours before departure for the speaking engagement. Bureau public affairs chiefs will determine which speeches require OCO review (in consultation with the senior information officer in OCO).

C. Approval on Form DI 55l by OCO is required for all proposed audiovisual productions intended for public viewing (including visitor centers) or broadcast. Such approval shall be sought as soon as preliminary planning has been completed and before any funds are committed for scripts or production. (See 47l DM for policy and procedural details).

D. Department publications, electronic or print, must be cleared through the appropriate bureau publication approval process (314 DM). All materials that include any message from the Secretary must be reviewed and approved by OCO.

E. All articles for publication, letters to the editor, and editorial replies written by employees of the Department in their official capacities are subject to prior review by OCO. Bureau public affairs offices will determine when review is required.

F. Prior approval is required to be given by OCO for creation of new positions, appointments, details, transfers, or termination of existing positions or termination of employment of professional-level employees in the following types of positions: public affairs officers, public affairs specialists, information officers, information specialists, other positions in the information series, and any other positions performing similar functions including those in external affairs. It also includes professional-level publication and visual media personnel engaged in activities related to public information. OCO may review performance ratings of such personnel.

G. OCO may obtain assistance directly from bureau information officers on any information project and, when occasion arises, may detail bureau information personnel to OCO for work on special projects. In the same manner, OCO personnel may be detailed to a particular bureau or to the staff of the Secretariat for specific projects.

H. The Director of Communications may issue instructions to bureau information officers to carry out the assigned responsibilities of OCO.

1.4 Office of Inspector General. This chapter does not apply to the Office of Inspector General.

6/9/99 #3260

Replaces 9/30/85 #2651

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