Office of Science

Microscope: Scanning Probe - Variable Temperature

Quick Specs

  • Comprises multiple complementary probes
  • Includes STM, AES, XPS, and more

Sample Characterization Tools

Schematic model of TiO2(110) surface.
Schematic model of TiO2(110) surface

This state-of-the art surface science tool comprises multiple complementary probes of surface phenomena. The system includes a pair of interlocked ultrahigh vacuum chambers-scanning probe chamber and sample preparation/characterization chamber with the capabilities indicated in the accompanying list.

Omicron variable temperature ultrahigh vacuum scanning probe microscope instrument
Omicron variable temperature ultrahigh vacuum scanning probe microscope instrument featuring STM and NC-AFM.
STM image of TiO2(110) surface.
STM image of TiO2(110) surface

Scanning probe chamber:

Sample preparation chamber:

Sample Preparation/dosing Tools

Scanning probe chamber:

Sample preparation chamber:

  1. Transient Mobility of Oxygen Adatoms upon O2 Dissociation on Reduced TiO2 (110).
  2. Effect of Coadsorbed Water on the Photodecomposition of Acetone on TiO2(110).
  3. Preface.
  4. Photoemission Electron Microscopy of TiO2 Anatase Films Embedded with Rutile Nanocrystals.
  5. Atomic-Scale Assembly of a Heterogeneous Catalytic Site.