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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Military Voters

Members of the Armed Forces, spouses and dependants of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc. may also vote absentee. If you are active military, it is important that you contact your commander or voting officer for the proper procedure. You may also go on line at for absentee federal voting assistance information.




Overseas Citizen Voters

For Overseas Citizens who may wish to vote by absentee ballot, contact your Embassy for information  on how to apply for an absentee ballot. NOTE: Overseas voters are eligible to vote for Federal Offices only (President of the U.S., U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative). You may also go on line at for absentee federal voting assistance information.


Applications for an Armed Services or Overseas Absentee Ballot may be requested from the Bureau of Elections section of the County Clerk's Office 468-1291.