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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Election Administration
The County of Bernalillo is pleased to offer election administration as a service to the schools, businesses, co-ops, unions, districts, and political parties in Bernalillo County.   
Generally, if the election is conducted for educational purposes it is considered to fall under “voter education and outreach” and is provided free of charge.
Administering a Political Party Election that is specific only to one party (Democratic Primary or Republican Primary for instance) has yet to be done under current administration and the option to provide such services and any applicable fees are at the total discretion of the current County Clerk, Maggie Toulouse Oliver.
 Please inquire further by calling or stopping by our office to learn more about the possibility of providing this service for your party.
The price of administering a school, district, company, union, or co-op election depends largely on the size of the school and type of election they are wishing to hold. Please call our office or stop by in person for more information on providing this service and any applicable fees.
You may reach us by calling 505.468.1291 or by stopping by our offices located at:
1 Civic Plaza NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102-9854