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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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Document Search Instructions

The Eagle Web Document Search Program allows an online search for any public document which has been recorded in the County Clerk's Office. This includes deeds, mortgages, judgements, liens, etc. 

The opening page has a disclaimer and a button (at the bottom) requesting you to acknowledge that these are not official copies of County documents. That is the only purpose of the "I Acknowledge" button. Click it to proceed.

When you get to the main search page, it's not necessary to use the doc #, book or page fieldsYou can search by your NAME for any document recorded in the County Clerk's Office.

IMPORTANT:  enter LAST name, a space and then a first name with NO punctuation as in this example: Doe Jane S (if your name is Jane S. Doe)


Your query result will consist of the document index information only, not the actual document image.

If you have questions about using the Eagle Web System, please contact:  


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Enter Marriage Application