Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/31/86

Series: Management Systems and Procedures

Part 367: PAY/PERS System

Chapter 2: Management of the PAY/PERS System and Payroll Operations

Originating Office: Office of Personnel Policy


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

367 DM 2

2.1 Management of the PAY/PERS System and Payroll Operations. This chapter describes how the Department exercises oversight and direction over WBR=s management of the PAY/PERS System and Payroll Operations.

2.2 Policy Direction. Policy direction is provided by the Department through the functioning of the DOI Management Committee and guidance from cognizant PBA support offices (i.e., POB, PFM, PIR, and PPM). This process provides the means through which overall priorities, parameters, direction, and budgets are established. The Committee=s decisions and priorities are incorporated into a program planning document which charges WBR with responsibility for carrying out management and operation responsibilities and initiatives for the PAY/PERS System and Payroll Operations. Concurrently, WBR is authorized to take the actions necessary to achieve the stated objectives, to incur reimbursable expenses, and to charge each user its relative share of the cost of operations and management consistent with the limits established in the budgets approved by the Committee.

2.3 Program Planning. WBR will coordinate annual input to the program planning document. At a minimum, this will allow for system and operational input of WBR as the DOI agent, individual bureau input via the Users Group, and DOI policy and program office input. The comprehensive document will reflect recommended initiatives and priorities, cost-benefit analysis where possible, and associated budget documents. It will be submitted to the Committee annually and will include project and budget activity for the next two fiscal years. Once approved, progress and budget status will be reported quarterly to the Committee. Changes or circumstances which result in increased charges will be submitted to the Committee for approval to proceed.

2.4 Program Budget

A. Operational and maintenance costs will be estimated semi-annually on a function/object class basis and submitted to the Committee based on authorized activities and workload measurement data in accordance with 367 DM 1.4A.

B. Projected costs for developmental activities will be provided to the Committee through a three-tiered program planning system. The first level consists of a project overview which identifies the primary objectives of the proposed project, alternative actions, and the resources, time frames, and cost estimates for a full scale feasibility study. The second step is a feasibility study which develops detailed requirements, documents the cost-benefit analysis in accordance with Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 64, and recommends time frames and costs for the project. The third tier of the project includes design, construction, testing, documentation, piloting, user training, and project evaluation. Each successive stage will contain more detailed information on time frames and costs. Major enhancements or redesign efforts will adhere to the policies and procedures of 376 DM 10, Life Cycle Management.

2.5 Cost Distribution and Billing

A. Costs for the above-described services will include all direct and indirect costs attributable to the work performed. Indirect costs include administrative support costs for personnel, budget, procurement, etc., provided to the PAY/PERS System and Payroll Operations through the WBR Management Operations Center.

B. Costs will be recovered by WBR from all users on an equitable basis consistent with Committee policy and the Committee-approved program budget. Costs will be recovered on a cost-reimbursable basis where such costs are not covered under funding authority previously transferred to WBR.

C. Costs will be allocated directly to an organization whenever they can be so identified. The remaining costs, including the cost of any Departmental requested reports, will be distributed on a prorata basis using the number of active accounts, plus one-half the number of inactive accounts served by the System.

D. Costs for user-unique services outside the scope of the budget will be billed on a cost-reimbursable basis directly to the organization for which the service is provided.

E. Actual costs not covered by funding authority transferred to WBR, will be billed on a quarterly basis until the last quarter when they will be billed monthly. Such costs for the last month of the fiscal year will be estimated and billed in advance with a subsequent adjustment made if necessary. Costs will be recovered through the Treasury=s On-Line Payment and Collection System. A quarterly status of expenditures, costs, and collections will be provided each organization.


12/31/86 #3430

Replaces 12/31/86 #2724

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