Office of Science


What is an emergency?

An emergency is defined as an event or situation that prevents multiple users from performing science in EMSL's computing environment. Typically, major hardware faults, switch faults, operating system failures, etc., are classed as emergency events. Situations where a single user is having difficulty running jobs but other jobs are processing in the system are not emergencies.

How to report an emergency during core hours

EMSL's Computing Support Center Hotline telephone number is: (509)-371-6100

This phone line is given top priority and will be answered by a support team member if at all possible. There will be times when the line will already be in use or no staff members are available. In this case, you will be forwarded to a voice-mail system. The voice mail message will provide a telephone number of the cellular phone assigned to the primary support person. During core business hours, the phone may be unavailable due to the extensive shielding within the EMSL facility. You will be given the option to leave a message in the Hotline's voice mailbox.

Leaving a message will cause a page to be generated to the staff person on-duty. The page will be repeated every 10 minutes until the voice message is retrieved.

How to report an emergency during off-hours

EMSL's Computing Support Center Hotline telephone number is: (509)-371-6100

After three rings, you will be forwarded to a voice-mail system. The greeting message will include the cellular telephone number of the primary support contact. You should jot this number down and call the person providing primary support. If you cannot reach the primary person and do not get a call back within 15 minutes, leave a voice-mail message on the Hotline (509-371-6100) and a page will be generated to the secondary support staff. This page will be generated every 10 minutes until the support staff member calls in to hear your message.