AHRQ's Health IT Initiative

A "Real-World" Laboratory

Carolyn M. Clancy, M.D., Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Connecting for Health Conference, Washington DC, May 26, 2005

This year promises to be another landmark for health information technology [IT] in America. I'm sure that you'll agree with me that the leadership for health IT at the Department of Health and Human Services has only continued to grow in strength under Secretary Mike Leavitt.

The Secretary has made it clear that health IT is among his very highest priorities. He sees an important role for government. But more important, he sees the urgent need for active, good-faith collaboration among all of us. Without real collaboration, now, the opportunities are in jeopardy—and the costs can only rise.

As you know, the Secretary's near-term goals for health IT are:

AHRQ's health IT initiative offers support for each of these—we are investing $139 million in more than 100 projects in 40 States.

These projects are supporting immediate improvements and benefits for patients and providers.

Together with the "Connecting for Health" communities, they're helping us learn how to create and manage networks for health information exchange. Th are bringing health IT to rural areas.

And they'll generate tested lessons that will help us use health IT in the most effective way—to improve patient safety, develop user-friendly products, measure cost-effectiveness, and build a reliable business case.

We'll share these lessons through AHRQ's new National Resource Center for Health IT. The National Resource Center will help inform all of us—but it will be especially helpful to providers as they adopt health IT systems.

Secretary Leavitt's first emphasis is standards. This is the foundation we need in order to exchange health information widely, efficiently, securely, and with patient privacy protection.

One important element will be a common clinical vocabulary—a single name for a single condition or procedure, no matter who is the patient, the provider or the payer. "About time," we might say. But it's no simple task. AHRQ's on-going work with the National Library of Medicine will be helpful in developing this much-needed common vocabulary.

AHRQ is also working with the National Coordinator for health IT, other agencies and private sector groups to address important issues of trust—especially the privacy and security of personal health information. It's a priority for AHRQ to help build security and privacy into health information systems—and show patients and consumers how electronic health records may be more secure than existing systems. Of course, the legal environment for a nationwide network will include State and local statutes, not just Federal law. So we need to learn now about this legal terrain.

Of course, the long-range goal is the President's vision: electronic health records for Americans, to be available whenever and wherever the patient allows within, now, 9 years.

It's actually been a year and a month since President Bush laid out his goal. The clock is ticking. And there's much to be done—not only on the technical side, but on the human side—or rather, in that zone where the two meet.

In addition to the standards that will make health IT interoperable, we need a health care sector that's ready to make health IT work.

We need user-friendly products—and we need willing, prepared users.

We need health professionals who will take the plunge. And we owe them an accurate picture of the benefits—and our shared experience to help smooth the transition.

This is the heart of AHRQ's health IT initiative. I've called it a real-world laboratory, because it looks at health IT in real clinical settings, and delivers findings based on day-to-day experience.

In a word, our initiative is asking:

Anyone who's ever had to "get acquainted" with a new software, knows that these are very real questions. New encounters with a computer system can be like bronco-riding at the rodeo—it's unclear who is breaking-in whom. At the same time, when the "get-acquainted" period is over, we often ask ourselves: "How did we ever get by without it?"

Some of our projects deal with specific health IT applications. We ask: "Does a particular system interface easily with physicians and nurses? Or is the information confusing or frustrating?"

We need to know the answers—not in order to condemn any product, or undermine health IT—but to test, improve and learn what works, and how to customize.

I've heard that some tech companies spend 25 percent of their Research and Development budgets trying to cause failures in their products, so they can fix them in advance. In the AHRQ grants, we don't actually pay our clinicians to try and break these systems. (Although the vendors probably figure clinicians do that for free.) But we want to know how health IT systems conform with the real needs of clinics and hospitals, how well they serve real medical staff, and how they perform under real stress.

We also ask: "Will the benefits of an application be cost-effective? And does it work in different settings—the nursing home, or the community clinic, as well as the hospital and physician's office?"

The AHRQ initiative is about the marriage of new health IT systems with the way work is done in health care today. Like any marriage, there's an impact on both parties. As one of our grantees puts it: "The technology will impact the facility, and the facility will impact the technology." The more we can foresee those impacts, and prepare for them, the better this marriage will be.

And even before any system is in place, we ask: "What are the challenges in simply planning an health IT application? What are the barriers? What are the providers' attitudes? And again, what works best to help make the transition smooth?"

Don't misunderstand—health IT will transform our health care system for the better.

But transformation means fundamental change. And fundamental change can be threatening—and disruptive. The more we understand about the process of change, the easier that change can be.

When we talk about "re-engineering" a health care system that was never really "engineered" to begin with, we're talking about new lessons and new procedures.

Our hope is to learn our lessons—and share them—and then move on to the next ones... instead of leaving providers on their own, to learn the same lessons, over and over.

The AHRQ initiative recognizes a reality: that our technical challenges are just one part of the health IT story. Changes in work flow, and indeed changes in the culture of the clinic, will be just as important. Another of our grantees figures that, for the provider, transition to health IT is "one part technology, and two parts culture and work process change."

We need to learn what this transition will really mean for providers—especially smaller practices. Today, some clinicians may actually have inflated fears about this change—because of what they don't know. The more we learn now, the more our providers can feel a sense of control and confidence.

At one recent meeting in Washington, a number of health professionals told us about their experiences in transitioning to E-based clinical systems. None of them said it was easy. But they all said it was worthwhile.

Now, these were the brave souls we call "early adopters." They knew when they started that they were pioneers. We can learn from the paths that they've taken—and the next traveler will be better-prepared.

AHRQ's initiative looks at a wide variety of health IT applications and experiences:

And we are indeed seeing successes:

These are a few examples of success. There are hundreds more. But there need to be thousands more.

These successes tell us our health care system can be more efficient. Even better, they tell us that we really can improve the quality of our health care by freeing, and organizing, the information that today is paper-bound.

I don't want to end without talking about quality—because that's our real goal. The "T" in HIT gets the attention—but the "H" is what we're really after: better health and better health care.

Earlier this year, AHRQ released its second annual National Healthcare Quality Report. It showed some progress—but painfully slow in most areas.

We followed this report with a Quality Summit. And we learned from practitioners in the field that quality of care means informed and personalized care. health IT is crucial in giving us that combination:

The quality approach depends on a new culture in health care. I think of it as candor, comparison, and cooperation. In other words:

We should add to that list one more: computer power. Because health IT is really the pivotal tool that can make the rest possible.

This is our challenge. Let's work together to achieve the technical standards we need for sharing health information. Let's learn how to make health IT work in our real-world health care settings. And let's share what we learn.

Our opportunity is great. And our vision of the future of health care should be positive and hopeful.

There's hard work at hand. But how fortunate we are to be here to do it.

Current as of June 2005

Internet Citation:

AHRQ's Health IT Initiative: A "Real-World" Laboratory. Speech by Carolyn M. Clancy. Connecting for Health Conference, Washington DC, May 26, 2005. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/news/sp052605.htm

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