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CD-ROM Volume 1

with data received
through December, 1998

Data Announcement 99-MGG-01
World Data Center for Geophysics & Marine Geology, Boulder

This CD-ROM contains GEODAS search software that runs under Microsoft® Windows for PCs and X Windows for UNIX and can be used for viewing trackline plots of the data. This CD-ROM was created with relaxed ISO-9660 rules on the file names and therefore its text files (most with long file names) can be read on most computers. The data files are provided with the names that existed when they were received at NGDC. All surveys have a readme.txt file which contains meta data(formats, sound velocity tables, etc.) that was sent with the data. Below exists a plot of the tracklines and listing of the institutions that processed and/or contributed the data to this CD-ROM.

trackline locations.

Geophysical data summary in nautical miles

Multibeam Bathymetry Page