Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Department of Rehabilitation Grants

DOR administers several kinds of grants to support services to individuals with disabilities. The grants are primarily for providers or organizations that offer services to our consumers and/or Californians with disabilities.

DOR grants can be funded from a variety of sources and adhere to different regulations. Carefully read the information provided about a grant. You can contact the grant coordinator with questions by using the e-mail links provided.

A list of the most current Request For Proposals by due date.

Several different units in DOR administer grants. Select one of areas listed below to learn about the specific programs, grant cycles and requirements.

- Independent Living -

- VR Service Provider -

- Blind Services -

- Grant Requests Listed By Due Dates -

Independent Living Grants

The Independent Living Section (ILS) of DOR offers grants to private nonprofit organizations in four areas.

Choose one of the specific grant categories, Community Organizing , Self Advocacy , Systems Change , Technical Assistance or Youth with Disabilities and Education , to view the Request for Proposals or email questions to the Independent Living Section's Grant Coordinator.

Review Title VII, Chapter 1 Regulations (in Rich Text Format) regarding ILS grants.

Review Title 9 Regulations regarding establishment grants.

  • Community Organizing
    • No grants available at this time.
  • Self Advocacy Training
    • No grants available at this time.
  • Systems Change
    • No grants available at this time.
  • Technical Assistance Grants
    • No grants available at this time.
  • Youth with Disabilities and Education Grants
    • No grants available at this time.

VR Service Provider Grants

The Community Resources Development Section of DOR conducts extensive needs assessments across 13 districts and Blind Field Services to determine gaps in the local services that consumers need to be successful in employment preparation and placement. Establishment grants are designed to best address the needs of DOR consumers and local district priorities for services. Services established by these grants are intended to assist people with disabilities prepare for employment and, depending on DOR's current focus, may include situational assessments, vocational evaluations, employment services, rehabilitation technology training, independent living skills and personal vocational and social adjustment.

Review Title 9 Regulations regarding establishment grants.

  • No grants available at this time.

Blind Services Grants

DOR's services for the Blind and Visually Impaired administers grants to private, nonprofit agencies that provide direct independent living services to visually impaired individuals age 55 and older. Core services funded by these grants include orientation & mobility, activities of daily living, adjustment counseling, advocacy, adaptive equipment/assistive technology and transportation.

Review Title VII, Chapter 2 Regulations regarding independent living grants for the elderly blind.

  • No grants available at this time.

Grant Requests Listed by Due Date

  • No grants available at this time.