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Things To Know

Justas with a natural disaster, you should have a family disaster supply kit at home. Since you may need to evacuate due to a terrorist attack, it's a good idea to have some supplies that you can take with you quickly, perhaps stored in a backpack.

You should also talk about a disaster communication plan with your family and what to do if an event happens when you are separated and away from home, such as at school or playing at a friend's house.

Stay alert!You don't have to be afraid, but it's always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings. That means, notice if something around you doesn't seem quite right. Know where exits are in a building. Don't accept packages from strangers and don't touch any suspicious packages. If you are old enough, take an American Red Cross first aid class. It's good to know what you should do if someone around you is injured. If you are asked to evacuate a building, even in a drill, take it seriously. Get far away from windows or glass doors and get under another kind of shelter if possible. Follow the directions of the officials on the scene - and stay out of the way of the emergency officials who may be responding to the area!


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