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Offshore Minerals Management Home Page
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Final "Z" PINCs
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Content: David Moore

   OEMM Web Team



Potential Incidents of Non-Compliance

Enforcement Action Table 

PINC Number Inspection Item Enforcement Action
Z-100 Inspection Form W
Z-102 Personal Protection Equipment W/C
Z-104 Respiratory protection W/C
Z-106 Safety Belts, Harnesses, Etc. W/C
Z-108 Personal Flotation Device W/C
Z-110 Eyewash Equipment W/C
Z-112 Tripping and Slipping Hazards W/C/S
Z-114 Deck Openings C
Z-120 Lights and Fog Horns W
Z-130 Personnel Landing W/C
Z-135 Guards, Rails, Fences W/C
Z-140 Helicopter Deck Perimeter W/C
Z-145 Life Float, Boats, Etc. W/C
Z-150 Life Preservers W/C
Z-155 Ring Life Buoys W
Z-160 First Aid Kit W
Z-165 Safety litter W/C
Z-170 Communications Equipment C
Z-175 Accessibility of Lifesaving Equipment W/C
Z-180 Additional Equipment Compliance C
Z-185 Fire Extinguishers W/C
Z-190 Work Vests W/C
Z-195 General Alarm W/C
Z-200 Personnel Assignments W
Z-205 Emergency Drills W
Z-210 Station Bill W/C


W - Warning


C - Component Shut in


Shut in production equipment


Remove safety equipment/device from platform


Order destruction of safety equipment/device


Shut-in specific operation


Remove personnel from area if inadequate quantities of safety equipment


Evacuate select numbers of personnel from platform


Evacuate all personnel from platform


S - Shut-in facility

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Last Updated: 08/08/2008, 02:09 PM

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