Office of Science

Nancy J. Hess, Ph.D.

Senior Staff Scientist and Science Facility Lead Environmental Spectroscopy & Biogeochemistry, Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate, Chemical and Material Sciences Division, Environmental Dynamics and Simulation
P.O. Box 999, K8-96
Richland, WA 99352
Work: (509) 371-6385 Fax: (509) 371-6354 Updated: April 17, 2007

Dual Assignment

WR Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory / Environmental Spectroscopy & Biogeochemistry Facility

Research Interests

The thrust of Dr. Hess' research is the application of molecular level spectroscopic techniques, such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy, neutron scattering and diffraction, and in situ Raman and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopies, to problems where determination of the local structure is important. Currently she contributes to DOE/BES Hydrogen Storage program and has contributed to DOE/BES programs on radiation effects in ceramics, the optical properties of dielectric thin films, and the development of rare-earth based optical sensors. She has lead several DOE/ERSP programs on Tc chemistry in HighLevel Waste and the vadose zone and has contributed to several other ERSP programs at PNNL. She has participated in structural biology research on DNA repair proteins and environmental restoration characterization tasks including actinide speciation in geological environments and Hanford tank sludge and supernate. She is currently the technical lead for EMSL's Environmental Spectroscopy and Biogeochemistry Facility.

Past Experience

12/00- Staff Scientist: Environmental Dynamics and Simulation, Fundamental Sciences Directorate
12/97-12/00 Senior Research Scientist: Actinide and Trace Metal Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry Resources, PNNL
10/90-12/97 Senior Research Scientist: Material Sciences, PNNL
4/83-8/84: Exploration Geologist: Duval Corporation
3/82-4/83: Geologist: EnergyLog
4/81-11/81: Mine Geologist: Duval Corporation


University of Washington, Ph.D. 1990, Mineral Physics
University of Arizona, M.S., 1986, Economic Geology
University of California, Davis, B.S., 1981, Geology

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