Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Just the Facts

Answers to employers' most frequently asked questions about hiring individuals with disabilities.

About People with Disabilities and Jobs

There are no good jobs for persons with disabilities. There are only persons with disabilities who are good for jobs.

- Milt Wright & Associates, Inc

About Employees with Disabilities

Performance levels for employees with disabilities are consistent with those of their non-disabled peers.

- Dupont Study

About Accommodations

15% of accommodations are no cost;
51% cost between $1 and $500;
12% cost between $501 and $1000, and
22% cost more than $1000

- Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

About Employer Costs

Seventy-three (73%) of companies who employ individuals with disabilities report no cost increases attributable to extending health, life, and/or disability coverage.

- U.S. DOL Office of Disability Employment Policy