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Alaska Forms

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* 0648-0206 Alaska Region Permit Family of Forms
Exempted Fisheries Permits Instructions Instructions (.htm)
Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP) Permit Application (.pdf)  
Federal Processor Permit (FPP) Permit Application (.pdf)  
* 0648-0213
Alaska Region Logbook Family of Forms
Catcher Vessel Longline or Pot Gear DFL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher Vessel Trawl Gear DFL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher/Processor Trawl Gear DCPL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher/Processor Longline or Pot Gear DCPL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Mothership DCPL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Shoreside Processor DCPL Part 1 (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Shoreside Processor DCPL Part 2 (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Daily Production Report (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Buying Station Report (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Check-in/out, mothership or catch/ processor (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Check-in/out, Shoreside processor (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Product Transfer Report (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
U.S. Vessel Activity Report (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Weekly Production Report, mothership or catcher/processor (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Weekly Production Report, shoreside processor (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0269 Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) Program
CDQ Catch Report and Instructions (.pdf)  
CDQ Delivery Report and Instructions (.pdf)  
Request for Approval or Removal of an Eligible Vessel and Instructions (.pdf)  
CDQ or PSQ Transfer Request and Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0272 Individual Fishing Quotas for Pacific Halibut and Sablefish in the Alaska Fisheries
Quota Share Holder: Identification of Ownership Interest Form and Instructions  
Application for IFQ/CDQ Landing Card (.pdf)  
IFQ/CDQ Manual Landings Report (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Online IFQ/CDQ Landings Report (.po) Instructions (.pdf)
QS/IFQ Beneficiary Designation Form (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of QS/IFQ (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of QS/IFQ by Self Sweep-Up (.pdf)  
Application for Eligibility To Receive QS/IFQ (.pdf)  
Registered Buyer Permit Application (.pdf)  
Application for Replacement of certificates, permits, or cards (.pdf)  
Application for Transfor of QS/IFQ to or from a Community Quota Entity (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Crab Individual Fishing Quotas in th BSAI and Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0316 Prohibited Species Donation Program
Prohibited Species Donation Program Instructions (.htm)
* 0648-0330 At-Sea Scale Certification Program
Online Scale Inspection Request Form (.htm)  
Observer Sampling Station Inspection Request Form (.pdf)  
Record of Daily Hopper Scale Tests(.pdf)  
Record of Daily Flow Scale Tests (.xlt)  
* 0648-0334 Alaska License Limitation Program for Groundfish, Crabs and Scallops
Application for Transfer of Scallop License (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer, LLP Groundfish/Crab License (.pdf)  
* 0648-0393 American Fisheries Act: Vessel and Processor Permits
AFA Inshore Cooperative Permit (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
AFA Replacement Vessel Permit (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0398 Alaska Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery Program Requirements
IFQ Fee System  
Registered Buyer Ex-Vessel volume and Value Report and Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0401 American Fisheries Act Record keeping and Reporting
AFA Inshore Vessel Non-member Contract Fishing Application Instructions (.pdf)
Shoreside Processor Electronic Logbook Report (SPELR) Instructions (.htm)
* 0648-0428 Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0445 NMFS Alaska Region Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Program
VMS Check-In Report (.pdf)  
* 0648-0460 Subsistence Halibut Program
Individual Rural or Tribal Subsistence Halibut Registration Certificate (SHARC) Application and Instructions (.pdf)  
Subsistence Halibut Registration Certificate Application (.po)  
Tribal Subsistence Halibut Registration Certificate (SHARC) Application and Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0474 Alaska Seabird Avoidance Program
Seabird Avoidance Plan form(.pdf)  
* 0648-0512 Special Subsistence Permits and Harvest Logs for Pacific Halibut in Waters Off Alaska
Subsistence Halibut Special Permit Application (for Community Harvest, Ceremonial Harvest or Education Harvest) (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Subsistence Halibut Community Harvest Log (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Subsistence Halibut Ceremonial or Educational Harvest Log (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0514 Alaska Region Bering Sea or Aleutian Island (BSAI) Crab Permits
Application for Crab Quota Share (QS) or Crab Processor Quota Share (PQS) and Instructions (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (2/29/2008)

Application for Annual Permit Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) / Individual Processing Quota (IPQ) and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for Crab Harvesting Cooperative Individual Fishing Quota Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for BSAI Crab Hired Master (Skipper) Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for a Federal Crab Vessel Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for BSAI Crab Eligibility to Receive QS/PQS or IFQ/IPQ by Transfer and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of QS/IFQ, PQS/IPQ (Quota share/Individual Fishing Quota; Processing Quota Share/Individual Processing Quota and Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0515 Alaska Region Crab Landings Report
Catcher/Processor Offload Report and Instructions (.pdf)  
Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) Processor Registration (.po)  
Landing and/or Production Data Report Login (.po)  
Crab Manual Landing Report (.pdf)  
* 0648-0516 Alaska Region Crab Arbitration
Annual Arbitration Organizations Report (.pdf)    
* 0648-0518 Crab Economic Data Reports (EDRs)
Catcher Processor Annual EDR (.pdf)  
Catcher Vessel Annual EDR (.pdf)  
Stationary Crab Floating Processor Annual EDR (.pdf)  
Shoreside Crab Processor Annual EDR (.pdf)  

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