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IBEX Questions and Answers

IBEX will explore the boundaries of our solar system. Learn more about the mission through questions and answers.

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IBEX: Did you know...
About Our Solar System's Boundaries

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IBEX Update

    NASA Explorer Realizes Possibility of Believing, Achieving

    August 15, 2008

    “Exploration is not an option we choose, but a desire written in the human heart.” President George Bush spoke those words during a speech before NASA senior leadership in 2004 to announce a new vision for space exploration. A leadership team responsible for leading this nation’s space explorations and embodying just such a desire to explore. Willis Jenkins at his desk at NASA Headqurters in Washington, DC. Credit: NASA GSFC
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    One such explorer, Willis Jenkins, Jr., is the Program Executive for NASA’s Explorers Program, Science Mission Directorate/Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. He is also Program Executive for the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Mission (IBEX), a mission to achieve the first global observations of the region beyond the termination shock at the very edge of our solar system.

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