Fermilab TodayThursday, June 9, 2005  
Thursday, June 9
9:00 a.m. Users' Annual Meeting - Auditorium
4:00 p.m. Accelerator Physics and Technology Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: J. Wei, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Title: The SNS Ring: Design, R&D and Construction
5:30 p.m. Graduate Student Association New Perspectives Poster Session - Wilson Hall Atrium

Friday, June 10
9:00 a.m. GSA – Annual Fermilab Student Conference – New Perspectives 2005 - Curia II
12:00 p.m. Summer Lecture Series - 1 West
Speaker: L. Lederman, Illinois Math and Science Academy/Fermilab
Title: Neutrinos: Past, Present and Future
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Joint Experimental Theoretical Physics Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: R. Erbacher, University of California, Davis
Title: Top Quark Properties from CDF

Saturday, June 11
9:00 a.m. GSA – Annual Fermilab Student Conference – New Perspectives 2005 - 1 West

WeatherChance Thunderstorms 89º/67º

Extended Forecast

Weather at Fermilab


Secon Level 3

Thursday, June 9
Tomato Florentine
Grilled Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich $4.85
Chimichangas $3.75
Chicken Marsala $3.75
Maryland Crab Salad $4.85
Italian Sausage Calzones $3.50
SW Chicken Salad with Roasted Corn Salsa $4.85

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Wilson Hall Cafe Menu
Chez Leon is now open. Call x4512 to make your reservation.

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Planning is Your Priority, OSTP's Looney Tells Users
Patrick Looney, Assistant Director for Physical Science and Engineering in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, advised Fermilab users on Wednesday morning that advancing the science of matter, space and time requires a keen
Patrick Looney
Patrick Looney addressed
the Fermilab community
yesterday at the Users'
sense of timing, planning and communicating.

Looney said building the proposed International Linear Collider "is not impossible-not easy, but not impossible." And from the vantage point of a policy advisory body operating out of the Executive Office of the President, he outlined the political realities of Washington that would be involved in making the machine a reality.

"In DC, if you get 'No' as an answer, you're out of luck," Looney told the full house in Ramsey Auditorium, opening the Users Annual Meeting. "If you say, 'Can we have several billion dollars to build this machine?' you will get a 'No.' You want to try to ask a question that will not get a 'No,' such as, 'Can we keep this path going?' Then you need to make the decisions one at a time, and not try to make them all at once." He used the ITER fusion reactor project as an illustration of step-by-step decision-making, while admitting that ITER was hardly a paradigm: "The one thing ITER did right," Looney said, "was to make a
Users' Meeting
Director Mike Witherell
also spoke yesterday at
the end of the day. (Click
on image for larger version.)
construction decision only after $1 billion had been spent on R&D."

Ironically, ITER also figured in Looney's assertion on the need for international consensus on US responsibility to take its "turn" in building a big machine. He said the US was pressed from the highest levels of other governments, by Prime Ministers and presidents, to rejoin ITER. "We need to have other countries press the US to step up to the plate," Looney said.
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-Mike Perricone

ILC This Week
GDE: Director's Corner
from Barry Barish

GDE Screenshot
The new GDE communications web page (Click on image for larger version.)
This is our new GDE communications web page, which we have installed on the Interactions.org Linear Collider Communication website. It represents what will become an important tool for us to inform each other and the community what is going on with the GDE. I plan to write a regular short article, "The Director’s Corner," to share my personalized views of the accomplishments, developments and plans, as we work through the steps of creating the global design for the ILC.

This interim web page will be published weekly and will then migrate to and evolve into a regular part of the ILC GDE website, which we are creating. We are working hard to develop our own operational GDE website in time for the Snowmass ILC Workshop. We plan to make it the working website for the meeting. We are putting considerable effort into designing what will be an informative and functional website for the GDE. This is essential for the functioning of such a widely dispersed collaboration. To design the website, we have contracted with Xeno Media, who recently created the new Fermilab and SLAC websites, and we are involving many persons representing different parts of our ILC community in reviewing their work and progress, to ensure that we will have the features and functionality we will need. A well-designed functional website will go a long way toward helping to bridge the great distances separating those of us that need to work closely together on a daily basis to develop the ILC design.
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Linear Collider News Archive

In the News
From Lamar News, June 8, 2005
Auger chooses SE Colorado
by Virgil Cochran
The Pierre Auger Collaboration today officially named Southeastern Colorado as the site for a cosmic ray observatory that will cover portions of at least three counties.

Pablo Bauleo, a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado State University, a top scientist in the project, said the full Auger Collaboration unanimously adopted a resolution naming the Colorado site as the Northern Hemisphere site during its meeting in Orsay, France. The resolution recommends Utah as a backup northern site and recommends continued contact with a third potential backup site in Idaho.
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Fermilab Result of the Week
Lonely Top Quarks
Different views of the
Wtb vertex at the
Tevatron: top quark decay,
s-channel and t-channel
top quark production.
(Click on image for
larger version.)
The discovery of the top quark ten years ago at the Tevatron opened the door for more detailed studies of this mysteriously heavy elementary particle. By colliding protons and anti-protons at the Tevatron it is possible to produce top quarks in a variety of ways. Most of the time, the top quark is produced together with an anti-top quark. However, there are ways to produce a top quark on its own as well. These single top quark events provide a laboratory to directly study the interactions between top quarks, bottom quarks, and W bosons and open a window to yet undiscovered particles or forces. Finding single top quarks produced via the weak force at the Tevatron is challenging because the signal is small and there are large backgrounds to contend with.
Bayesian posterior probability density as a function of the production cross section for the two different single top quark production mechanisms. (Click on image for larger version.)

The DZero experiment has recently completed a search for single top quark production with a large sample of data. The analysis maximizes the acceptance for single top quark events at every step. Separation of the single top quark signals from the large backgrounds is achieved through the use of neural networks that combine the separating power from several discriminating variables. This search improves the sensitivity of previous searches for single top quark production by a factor of two. Nevertheless, no evidence for single top quark production was found, resulting in upper limits on these production mechanisms. This sets important constraints on our understanding of these top quark interactions. The search for single top quarks at Dzero continues with further improved analysis techniques and a growing data sample.

A plain English summary of this measurement can be found here, together with a link to the full article submitted for publication.

(Left to Right) (Top) Mathieu Agelou, Jovan Mitrevski, Reinhard Schwienhorst, Aran Garcia-Bellido, Matt Tilley, Daekwang Kau, (Middle) Supriya Jain, Shabnam Jabeen, Philip Perea, (Bottom) Miroslav Kopál and Len Christofek have contributed to this analysis.
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(Click on image for larger version.)
DZero DZero
Miroslav Kobal (University of Oklahoma) (left) and Iain Bertram (Lancaster University) have made important contributions to the triggering used in this analysis.

Result of the Week Archive

Accelerator Update
June 6-June 8
- During this 48 hour period Operations established one store that combined with an existing store provided the experiments with approximately 44 hours and 32 minutes of luminosity
- NuMI off four hours
- Booster off due to GMPS failure

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

Computer Security Training Sessions
"The Fermilab Computer Security Team is hosting another series of Computer Security Training Sessions on June 16 in Wilson Hall One West starting at 9:00 a.m. There will be two computer security related sessions offered to fulfill ITNA requirements along with an informational session about Spyware and Phishing. While all three sessions are open to all, it is recommended that summer students attend to learn about proper computing usage while here at the Lab. Admission is free.
9:00 Basic Computer Security
10:00 Security Essentials for Desktop System Administrators
11:00 Dangers of Spyware and Phishing
Please send any questions to nightwatch@fnal.gov.

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