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Updated 20 August, 2004
USGCRP Archives
July-August 2003

July-August 2003


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Contributions ad Responses

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Land-Use / Land-Cover Change

Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle



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July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Noctilucent Clouds
Noctilucent Clouds
(posted by NASA, July 2003)

Joint Statement of the United States and Japan on High-Level Consultations on Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 7 Aug 2003) from US Dept of State.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Americans among most misinformed about global warming.  Press release (dtd 3 Sep 2003) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Landmark Agreement Signed Between Federal Agencies and Atmospheric Research Community.  Press release (dtd 19 Aug 2003) from NOAA.   (link posted 17 September 2003)

Global role for atmospheric scientist [Tom Beer]. Press release (dtd 15 Aug 2003) from Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Geoscience workshop brings teachers to NCAR.  Press release (dtd 30 July 2003) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NASA Researchers Receive Honor Awards .  Press release (dtd 23 July 2003) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Cruising for Hydrates - DOE funded research cruises seek to unlock the secrets of 'ice that burns'.  Article (dtd 22 July 2003) from the Department of Energy's Fossil Energy Techline.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.  Press release (dtd 21 July 2003) from NOAA .  (link posted 17 September 2003)

WMO and ESCAP to Strengthen Cooperation in Weather, Climate and Water-Related Issues. [PDF]  Press release (dtd 16 July 2003) from the World Meteorological Organization.   (link posted 17 September 2003)

Story tips from Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 2003.  Press release (dtd 9 Jul 2003) from ORNL.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NCAR Initiative on GIS (Geographic Information Systems).  Posting (dtd 5 July 2003) from ESIG Alert, issued by the Environmental and Societal Impacts Group of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Round 4 Project Grants.  List of projects awarded grants (dtd July 2003) from Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

3rd International Geosphere-Biosphere Congress: Connectivities in the Earth System.  Extensive collection of materials from this conference held on 19-24 June 2003 in Banff, Canada.  Includes:   (links posted 12 September 2003)

2002 Annual Report.  [PDF, 24 Mb]  Report (circa May 2003) from the National Climatic Data Center.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Science and Technology Policies for the Environment [PDF].  By Daniel Sarewitz.  Chapter 12 in: Albert H. Teich, Stephen D. Nelson, Amanda E. Hunt (eds.), AAAS Science and Technology Policy Yearbook 2003 (Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2003).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Earth Observation Summit.  Materials from the U.S.-sponsored meeting held on 31 July 2003. (posted 5 August 2003)

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.

Nature Publishing Group's
earth science resources
 at earth sciences

American Geophysical Union's
Geophysical Research Letters
(abstracts are openly accessed)




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).



For long term plans, see Atmospheric Composition chapter of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site.


July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Low-Level Ozone
Low-Level Ozone
(posted by NASA, August 2003)

Atmospheric Science Goes to Ground: Researchers Present New Findings on the Natural Hydrogen Cycle.  Press release (dtd 20 Aug 2003) from National Science Foundation (NSF).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

After 30 Years, Ozone is Recovering.  Article (dtd 1 Aug 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  See also: (links posted 12 September 2003)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Dust Storm over Afghanistan and Pakistan
Dust Storm over Afghanistan and Pakistan
(posted by NASA, August 2003)

Extreme Weather Events Might Increase [MS Word]  Press release (dtd 16 July 2003) from the World Meteorological Organization.   (link posted 17 September 2003)

African Dust Brings Drought, Rain across Atlantic.  Press release (dtd 15 July 2003) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Satellites See Lightning Strikes in Ozone's Origins.  Press release (dtd 14 July 2003) from National Center for Atmosopheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Desert Research Institute team predicts early summer rains for Southwest.  Press release (dtd 9 Jul 2003) from Desert Research Institute.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Galactic dust cooling Earth?: Controversial climate claim exonerates carbon dioxide.  Article (dtd 8 July 2003) from Nature's "Science Update."    (link posted 17 September 2003)

New understanding of sea salt to help climate modeling.  Press release (dtd 3 July 2003) from Department of Energy (DOE)/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.    (link posted 17 September 2003)

Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002. Report (dtd 2003) from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.  (link posted 17 September 2003)



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For long term plans, see Ecosystems chapter of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site


July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle section)

Polar Worms May Warn of Global Warming, Experts Say.  Article (dtd 12 Sep 2003) from National Geographic.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Impacts of Sea Level Rise in the South Florida Region [MS Powerpoint, 2.5 MB).  Presentation (on 8 Sep 2003) of  the South Florida Regional Planning Council.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

New Colorado U. study shows increase in fungal metabolism under the snow.  Press release (dtd 4 Sep 2003) from University of Colorado at Boulder.  (link posted 17 September 2003)  See also:

Record Droughts Raise Concerns Over Future of Drylands.  Press release (dtd 29 Aug 2003) from the World Resources Institute.

In tropics, forests are cool but croplands are hotter.  Press release (dtd 21 Aug 2003) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Atmospheric Science Goes to Ground: Researchers Present New Findings on the Natural Hydrogen Cycle.  Press release (dtd 20 Aug 2003) from National Science Foundation (NSF).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Experts warn global changes threaten world's protected areas.  Press release (dtd 19 Aug 2003) from the World Resources Institute.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Weather extremes shed light on prairie's past and environment's future.  Press release (18 Aug 2003) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Research: Coral Reefs' Decline Actually Began Centuries Ago.  Posting (dtd 14 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Genomes of Tiny Microbes Yield Clues to Global Climate Change.  Posting (dtd 13 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Lake Ecosystem Critical to East African Food Supply is Threatened by Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 13 Aug 2003) from National Science Foundation (NSF).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

The Incredible Glowing Algae.  Feature (dtd 8 Aug 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Envisat Focuses on Carbon-rich Peat Swamp Forest Fires.  Posting (dtd 6 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  See also: Envisat focuses on carbon-rich peat swamp forest fires, press release (dtd 6 Aug 2003) from the European Space Agency.  (links posted 12 September 2003)

Drought.  Press release (dtd 5 Aug 2003) from Ecological Society of America.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

South African Desert Becomes Global-Warming Lab.  Article (dtd 4 Aug 2003) from National Geographic.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Another Global Warming Surprise: Grasslands May become Wetter as Temperatures Rise.   Press release (dtd 4 Aug 2003) from Stanford University.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Forest fires burn their way into climate change.  Article (dtd 31 July 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Increasing Carbon Dioxide Relieves Drought Stress in Corn, Researchers Say.  Press release (dtd 25 July 2003) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Scientists Identify Important Source of Nutrients to Florida's Coral Reefs.  Press release (dtd 24 July 2003) from University of North Carolina at Wilmington, National Undersea Research Center.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Helping Coral Reefs Survive Climate Change.   Press release (dtd 23 July 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Old trees poor carbon sponge?: Carbon stockpiles question idea that forests will counteract global warming.  Article (dtd 23 Jul 2003) from Nature's "Science Update."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Satellites will join search for source of Ebola virus.  Press release (dtd 16 July 2003) from European Space Agency (ESA).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Rising Temperatures Threaten Puffins.  Article (dtd 15 July 2003) from Scientific American.   (link posted 17 September 2003)

Trees grow faster in the city: Ozone pollution stunts suburban saplings.  Article (dtd 10 July 2003) in Nature "Science Update."  See also City-grown air pollution is tougher on country trees, press release (dtd 9 July 2003) from Cornell University.  (links posted 12 September 2003)

Cold-climate creatures may be the ultimate survivors of global warming, study finds.  Press release (dtd 3 July 2003) from Stanford University.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Predetermined winners and losers in the Ice Age extinction game.   Press release (dtd 2 Jul 2003) from Blackwell Publishing Ltd.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Leaf fall in ancient polar forests still a mystery.  Press release (dtd 2 July 2003) from Penn State.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided: (link posted 11 September 2003)

  • What Plants Do .  "Consider the way that plants affect your life. You might wear cotton, eat apples, or admire a daffodil. But plants are also a part of the big picture of Earth's climate and habitability."   (original broadcast date:  27 September 2003)
  • Permafrost Fires.  "Earth's northernmost forests help keep greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere by storing carbon. But these forests might be undergoing a change" (original broadcast date:  21 August 2003)
  • Frostfire.  To most people, a wildfire is an unplanned and feared disaster. But to some fire scientists, a controlled burn can involve a massive amount of planning. A scientist talks about one of the largest planned wildfires ever."   (original broadcast date:  20 August 2003)



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For long term plans, see Carbon Cycle chapter of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site


July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

CO Emissions from Canadian Fires
CO Emissions from Canadian Fires
(post by NASA, August 2003)

Ocean Carbon Cycle Affected by Drought.  Press release (dtd 13 Aug 2003) from National Science Foundation (NSF).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Envisat focuses on carbon-rich peat swamp forest fires.  Press release (dtd 6 Aug 2003) from the European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Envisat Focuses on Carbon-rich Peat Swamp Forest Fires.  Posting (dtd 6 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Forest fires burn their way into climate change.  Article (dtd 31 July 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Old trees poor carbon sponge?: Carbon stockpiles question idea that forests will counteract global warming.  Article (dtd 23 Jul 2003) from Nature's "Science Update."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Integrated Carbon Cycle Research Program.  Program solicitation (posted 23 July 2003) from the National Science Foundation.  Final proposal deadline: 22 October 2003.    (link posted 17 September 2003)

Underground peat fires found in Mali: Shovel settles mystery of Timbuktu's reputed volcanoes.  Article (dtd 4 July 2003) in Nature "Science Update."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided: (link posted 11 September 2003)

  • CO2 History.  "The amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is about a third higher now than before the Industrial Revolution. And some scientists predict this number might double in the coming century."  (original broadcast date:  16 September 2003)
  • Carbon Below.  "Carbon dioxide, or CO2, makes up a tiny fraction of Earth's atmosphere, and yet CO2 can have a big effect on long-term warming of our planet. A scientist talks about how Earth deals with CO2."  (original broadcast date:  15 September 2003)

GLOBALVIEW-CO2, 2003 Update.  GLOBALVIEW-CO2, coordinated and maintained by NOAA,  "is designed to enhance the spatial and temporal distribution of global atmospheric observations of carbon dioxide. GLOBALVIEW-CO2 is derived from measurements made by many international laboratories and is specifically intended as a tool for use in carbon cycle modeling studies. To facilitate use with models, the measurements are processed (smoothed, interpolated, and extrapolated) resulting in extended records that are evenly incremented in time."  (link posted 17 September 2003)



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For long term plans, see chapter on Land Use / Land Cover Change of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site

July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
Land Use / Land Cover Change

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Deforestation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Deforestation in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
(posted by NASA, August 2003)

In Tropics, Forests Are Cool but Croplands Are Hotter.  Posting (dtd 21 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Weather Extremes Shed Light on Prairie's Past and Environment's Future.  Press release (dtd 18 Aug 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Forest fires burn their way into climate change.  Article (dtd 31 July 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in Louisiana:  A Study in Disappearing Land.  Press release (dtd 21 July 2003) from NOAA.  (link posted 17 September 2003)



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For long term plans, see chapter on Human Contributions and Responses to Environmental Change of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site

City skyline

July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Contributions and Responses

More on this
 Focus Area

Melting Glaciers Could Affect Millions In Region.  Segment (dtd 11 Sep 2003) from Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Impacts of Sea Level Rise in the South Florida Region [MS Powerpoint, 2.5 MB).  Presentation (on 8 Sep 2003) of  the South Florida Regional Planning Council.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Record Temperatures Shrinking World Grain Harvest.  Press release (dtd 28 Aug 2003) from Earth Policy Institute.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Major boost to climate programs to help farmers weather drought and flooding rains.  Press release (dtd 24 Aug 2003) from Australian Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Global Warming Not Man-Made Phenomenon.  Posting (dtd 12 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Drought.  Press release (dtd 5 Aug 2003) from Ecological Society of America.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Audio file

Shuttle Clouds.  Program (dtd 1 Aug 2003) from  Arctic Science Journeys, a radio service highlighting science, culture, and the environment of the circumpolar north. Produced by the Alaska Sea Grant College Program and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. (link posted 11 September 2003)

Europe and North America warming due to human activity.  Press release (dtd 28 July 2003) from the UK Met Office.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Observing the Earth - Portrait of a doomed Sea.  Press release (dtd 28 July 2003)  from the European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Increasing Carbon Dioxide Relieves Drought Stress in Corn, Researchers Say.  Press release (dtd 25 July 2003) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Top of sky is receding: We may be pushing the stratosphere away.  Press release (dtd 25 July 2003) from Nature's "Science Update."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Rising Height of Atmospheric Boundary Points to Human Impact on Climate.  Press release (dtd 24 July 2003) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Islands in the Sun.  Press releases (dtd  24 July 2003) from the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  "According to a new report published today by the British-Irish Council (BIC), climate change will mean warmer, drier summers and milder, wetter winters for the islands within the BIC region."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Farmers and scientists talk on climate.  Press release (dtd 21 July 2003) from Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (Australia).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Satellites will join search for source of Ebola virus.  Press release (dtd 16 July 2003) from European Space Agency (ESA).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

City heat warms rain: Urban traffic and buildings may reduce ice storms.  Article (dtd 1 July 2003) from Nature "Science Update."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

A Policy Forum: Improving Responses to Climate Predictions, 23-24 April 2003.  Extensive collection of materials from this meeting held on 23-24 April 2003 in Washington, DC.   (link posted 17 September 2003)



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July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Boiling Seas Linked to Mass Extinction: Methane Belches May Have Catastrophic Consequences.  Article (22 Aug 2003) Nature's "Science Update."  See also: Methane thought to be responsible for mass extinction.  Press release (dtd 27 Aug 2003) from Northwestern University.  (links posted 17 September 2003)

Nitrous Oxide Record Sheds Light on Glacial Carbon Dioxide.  Posting (dtd 14 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

UC Riverside Study Shows Glaciers Once Existed Near Los Angeles.  Press release (dtd 29 July 2003) from the University of California, Riverside.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided: (link posted 11 September 2003)

  • Sea Sediments.   "Scientists hunt for records of past climate in many places -- icy glaciers, rock layers, even the bottom of the ocean. How scientists deduce past climates from long tubes of ocean bottom sediment."  (original broadcast date:  24 September 2003)



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For long term plans, see chapter on Climate Variability and Change of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site



Student Reading Book
For lots of other links especially useful to students and teachers, see our general page on Educational Resources


Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries


Satellite-view of hurricane

July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Earth�s Gravity Field
Earth's Gravity Field
(posted by NASA, July 2003)

Lower atmosphere temperature may be rising: Controversial satellite data analysis fuels global warming debate.  Article (dtd 12 Sep 2003) from Nature's Science Update.  See also: Global Warming, audio  segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered, originally broadcast on 11 Sept  2003 "Researchers writing in the new issue of the journal Science try to account for some data that continues to puzzle climate change scientists -- data that suggests that global warming isn't following the rules."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Announcement of Opportunity for Science Coordination of UK SOLAS [Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study] Programme.  From the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).  Expressions of interest should be submitted by 24 September 2003.  See also UK SOLAS Web site.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Role of tropics in global climate change gains attention.  Press release (dtd 10 Sep 2003) from UC Santa Barbara.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Ocean Sponging Up Some Warmth Over Next 50 Years.  Article (dtd 3 Sep 2003) from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Greenland or Whiteland?  Article from American Scientist (Sep-Oct 2003).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Methane thought to be responsible for mass extinction.  Press release (dtd 27 Aug 2003) from Northwestern University.  See also: Boiling Seas Linked to Mass Extinction: Methane Belches May Have Catastrophic Consequences.  Article (22 Aug 2003) Nature's "Science Update." (link posted 17 September 2003)

Global Warming Not Man-Made Phenomenon.  Posting (dtd 12 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NASA Working to Take the Guesswork Out of Long-Term Drought Prediction .  Posting (dtd 7 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Whither Comes Weather? Scientists Suggest Stratosphere's Role -.  Posting (dtd 1 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Under a Variable Sun.  Feature (1 Aug 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Europe and North America warming due to human activity.  Press release (dtd 28 July 2003) from the UK Met Office.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Scientists find 'fingerprint' of human activities in recent tropopause height changes.  Press release (dtd 24 July 2003) from University of California, Berkeley.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Rivers Indicate Earlier Spring in New England.  Press release (23 July 2003) from the US Geological Survey (USGS).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Water Reflects a Century of Change in New England.  Press release (dtd 23 July 2003) from the US Geological Survey (USGS).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Marine Scientists Now Cruising into Icy Arctic to Research Major Process Affecting Global Climate -.  Article (dtd July 21, 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Scientists with Hawaii Ocean Mixing Experiment Closing in on Puzzle of Ocean Energy.  Press release (dtd 17 July 2003) from Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

North Atlantic Deep Convection.  Press release (dtd 16 July 2003) from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Same sun. Different views.   Article (dtd 17 July 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Sea Salt Provides Better Understanding of Climate Modeling.  Press release (dtd 14 July 2003) from Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Satellites See Lightning Strikes in Some Ozone's Origins.  Press release (dtd 14 July 2003) from American Geophysical Union.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Cold Waters Along the Atlantic Coast
Cold Waters Along the Atlantic Coast
(posted by NASA, July 2003)


From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

European Heat Wave
European Heat Wave
(posted by NASA, August 2003)

Europe Sizzles in Summer Heat. (audio).  Segment from National Public Radio's Weekend Edition, broadcast on 10 August 2003.  "Europe's heat wave is melting glaciers in the Italian and Swiss Alps. The high temperatures worsen a drought that has severely reduced water levels and set the stage for deadly and destructive wildfires in many countries."

Overheated Europe struggles with drought.  Article (dtd 24 July 2003) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 17 September 2003)












Hurricane Isabel

Links to background information on the connection between climate change and hurricanes.  Other useful links related to hurricanes also provided.

Forecast of Atlantic Hurricane Activity for September and October 2003 and Seasonal Update Through August.  Report by William Gray et al. (3 Sept 2003). "We foresee slightly above-average conditions for September and October."  (link posted 17 September 2003)

2003 Atlantic Hurricane Outlook Update.  Document (dtd 7 Aug 2003) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  See also NOAA Forecasters Reiterate Above-Normal Atlantic Hurricane Season,  press release (dtd 7 August 2003) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  (links posted 12 September 2003)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Sea Surface Temperatures in Hurricane Alley
Sea Surface Temperatures in Hurricane Alley
(posted by NASA, September 2003)

URI physical oceanographer awarded NOAA grant for hurricane research.  Press release (dtd 28 Aug 2003) from University of Rhode Island (URI).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

UCAR Tip Sheet: Hurricanes.  Document (updated 15 July 2003) from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

El Nino

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

A Surprising Aspect of El Nino
A Surprising Aspect of El Niño
(posted by NASA, September 2003)

Most recent El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Advisory. Issued monthly by the US Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  According to the most recent report (11 August 2003):  "Current atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the tropical Pacific are near average and do not support the development of either La Niña or El Niño in the next few months."   (link updated 5 September  2003)

La Niña Plays Possum.  Press relesae (11 July 2003) from NOAA.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

No La Nina Brings Challenge to Forecasters.  Press release (dtd 7 Aug 2003) from NOAA.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

El Niño's Surprising Steady Pacific Rains Can Affect World Weather.  Posting (dtd 20 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

El Niño Theme Page.  Site maintained by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


For long term plans, see Water Cycle chapter of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program (2003) posted on CCSP web site.

Snow-covered mountains

July-August 2003 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Drought Dwindles the Great Salt Lake

Drought Dwindles the Great Salt Lake
(posted by NASA, July 2003)

Melting Glaciers Could Affect Millions In Region.  Segment (dtd 11 Sep 2003) from Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NASA helping to understand water flow in the west.  Press release (dtd 4 Sep 2003) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Double Vision.   Feature (dtd 3 Sep 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  "For the first time, scientists can rely on not one, but two satellites to monitor ocean surface topography, or sea level. TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1, launched nearly 10 years apart, are now engaged in a tandem mission, creating a spaceborne ocean observatory that provides scientists, climate modelers, and forecasters with nearly global coverage of the world's ocean surface at an unprecedented level of precision." (link posted 17 September 2003)

El Niño's Surprising Steady Pacific Rains Can Affect World Weather.  Posting (dtd 20 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Tides Control Flow of Antarctic Ice Streams.   Posting (dtd 22 August 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

NASA funds University of Colorado study of changes in earth's glacier systems.  Press release (dtd 11 Aug 2003) from University of Colorado, Boulder.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Drought.  Press release (dtd 5 Aug 2003) from Ecological Society of America.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

CryoSat takes significant step towards final completion.  Press release (dtd 31 July 2003) from the European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Observing the Earth - Portrait of a doomed Sea.  Press release (dtd 28 July 2003)  from the European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Rivers Indicate Earlier Spring in New England.  Press release (23 July 2003) from the US Geological Survey (USGS).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Water Reflects a Century of Change in New England.  Press release (dtd 23 July 2003) from the US Geological Survey (USGS).  (link posted 17 September 2003)

USA-France Tandem Satellite Mission Serving Up Fresh Sea Fare.  Press release (dtd 21 July 2003) from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.    (link posted 17 September 2003)

Oceanographers Catch First Wave of Gravity Mission's Success.  Press release (dtd 21 July 2003) from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.    (link posted 17 September 2003)

Scientists with Hawaii Ocean Mixing Experiment Closing in on Puzzle of Ocean Energy.  Article (dtd 17 July 2003) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

UCLA study explores droughts in Canadian prairies. Press release (dtd 17 July 2003) from University of California, Los Angeles.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

Desert Research Institute team predicts early summer rains for Southwest.  Press release (dtd 9 Jul 2003) from Desert Research Institute.  (link posted 17 September 2003)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Aral Sea
Aral Sea
(posted by NASA, August 2003)

Audio fileGlacier Science  (audio).  Segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered, broadcast on 4 July 2003.  "Whether a glacier flows at a plodding rate or suddenly slides at dangerous speeds is controlled by forces at the bottom of the ice, an area generally inaccessible to scientists. Researchers have now tunneled to the bottom of a glacier in Norway and found that the mechanics of sliding ice are not quite what geologists had thought. These findings could change predictions of how these melting rivers of ice will respond to a warming planet."

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided: (link posted 11 September 2003)

  • Drought.  "If you want rain, you'll need at least two things. One is moisture in the air -- and the other is some way to lift the air so the moisture cools and condenses into precipitation." (original broadcast date:  29 August 2003)



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