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Updated 9 January, 2004
USGCRP Archives
-November 2002

November 2002


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Land-Use / Land-Cover Change

Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle





NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day


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For documents from the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change, 
see our IPCC page.


Background information on new Climate Change Science and Technology Management Structure


November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...


From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) image shows chlorophyll concentrations in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
Iron Enrichment Experiment
  (image posted by NASA October 2002).

3-5 December 2002.  Washington, DC.  U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists & Stakeholders.  Sponsor:  United States Climate Change Science Program.  Public workshop to review a new draft Strategic Plan (posted 11 November 2002) for the US Global Change Research Program and Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI).  (posted 17 September 2002)


Climate Change Science: Research Imperatives for the Atmospheric and Related Sciences.  Draft statement (revised October 2002) from the American Meteorological Society.  (posted 22 November 2002)


US Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan. (posted 11 November 2002) Draft strategic plan for the combined US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI).  Available for review; comments accepted until 13 January 2003.   It will be the focus of a public workshop in Washington, DC on 3-5  December 2002.  A final version of the plan will be published in April 2003. (posted 17 November 2002)


Earth Science Web Site: A New Tool for Deaf Students (and Others).  Press release (dtd 25 Oct 2002) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 17 November 2002)


NSF Establishes Five New Centers to Develop Teaching Leadership in Science and Mathematics.  Press release (dtd 23 Oct 2002) from the National Science Foundation.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


AGU 2002 Fall Meeting.  Press release (dtd 15 Oct 2002) from AGU.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


World-renowned atmospheric scientist named Fred Kavli Endowed Chair in Earth System Science. "UC Irvine atmospheric scientist Michael Prather, one of the world's top experts in global climate change, has been named the Fred Kavli Endowed Chair in Earth System Science." Press release (dtd 15 Oct 2002) from UC Irvine.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


ICSU to establish 'Science for Sustainable Development' programme.  Press release (dtd 10 Oct 2002) from International Council for Science.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


U.S. Climate Change Science Program Office Launches New Web Site.  Press release (dtd 10 Oct 2002) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (link posted 17 November 2002)


NASA Launches New Educational Multimedia Adventure for Children.   Press Release (8 Oct 2002) from NASA.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


Tools for schools: Eduspace offers new ways to teach Earth observation.  Press release (dtd 7 Oct 2002) from the European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Met Office appoints new Chief Scientist.  "Following an open competition, the [UK] Met Office announced today that John Mitchell will be its new Chief Scientist."  Press release (dtd 2 October 2002) from UK Met Office

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.

Nature Publishing Group's
earth science resources
 at earth sciences




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Pollution over East China
Pollution over East China
(image posted by NASA October 2002)

NASA Joins International Ozone Study in Arctic   Press release (dtd 5 November 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Mediterranean Basin at Crossroads of Global Pollution Patterns.  Article (dtd 28 Oct 2002) from Scientific American.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Study: Acidic surfaces on atmospheric aerosols greatly increase secondary aerosol formation.  Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from University of North Carolina.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Current Greenhouse Gas Concentrations.  Document (dtd Oct 2002) from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

NASA Scientists Observe "Thinning" of Arctic Ozone Layer During 1999-2000 SOLVE Mission.  Press release (dtd 27 Sep 2002) from NASA.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Antarctic Ozone

Unusually Small Antarctic Ozone Hole This Year.  Press release (dtd Sept. 30, 2002) from Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

The Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2002
The Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2002
(image posted by NASA
September 2002)



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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle section)
Envisat's MERIS captures phytoplankton bloom.  Press release (dtd 13 November 2002) from European Space Agency.  The document discusses a bloom during the summer of 2002 in the north Atlantic, off the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in Canada.  "What made this bloom interesting to researchers was when it occurred, in late summer. Typically, phytoplankton bloom in temperate latitudes every spring."  (link posted 17 November 2002)
Large-scale climate change linked to simultaneous population fluctuations in arctic mammals.  Press release (dtd 13 Nov 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Indonesian Fires

Burning bogs belch carbon.  "Global-warming models should account for peat in forest fires."  "Science Update" (dtd 7 Nov 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileIndonesian Wildfires Tied to Global Warming.  Audio segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered (originally broadcast 8 Nov 2002).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Nature highlights use of space imagery to study Indonesian fires.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2002) from European Space Agency.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileMussel Deaths Tied to Climate Change.  Audio segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered (originally broadcast 1 Nov 2002).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park: A Resource Assessment.   Report (dtd Nov 2002) from the National Parks Conservation Association.  The document discusses a range of threats to the park, including climate change.  According to the report, "[c]omputer modeling of temperature and moisture changes, based on predictions for global climate change in the region, indicate that the glaciers could be gone in 30 years."

Scripps Research Gives Tiny Phytoplankton a Large Role in Earth's Climate System.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2002) from Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Transition from El Nino to La Nina affected vegetation.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Increasing nitrogen in Earth's soils may signal global changes, say U. of Colorado researchers.  Press release (dtd 30 Oct 2002) from University of Colorado at Boulder.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Mountain Summit Opens in Kyrgyzstan.  In his opening address to the Global Mountain Summit in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), UNESCO's Director-General Ko�chiro Matsuura announced a new UNESCO initiative to use its unique network of biosphere reserves to monitor global climate change. Press release (dtd 29 Oct 2002) from UNESCO.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

David Meyer's Studies of Coral Reefs Help Reconstruct Climate Patterns.  Press release (29 Oct 2002) from University of Cincinnati.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Asian dust storm causes plankton to bloom in the North Pacific.  Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Amazon Deforestation Could Affect U.S. Climate.  Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from Duke University.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Pennsylvania's West Nile Virus surveillance system gets an assist from NASA data.  Press release (dtd 15 Oct 2002) from NASA/Goddard.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 17 November 2002). 

  • Iceberg Blocks Plankton. "Scientists, with satellites, are keeping tabs on algae in Antarctic Oceans. Find out more about spying on algae."  Broadcast date:13 October 2002

NASA researchers developing tools to help track and predict West Nile Virus.  Press release (dtd 8 Oct 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileHurricanes and Louisiana Wetlands.  Audio segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered, broadcast on 4 October 2002.  "NPR's John Burnett in New Iberia, La., reports how major hurricanes such as Lili this week are destroying the fragile wetlands ecology along the Gulf coast. Biologists warn the wetlands being lost to storms and global warming are twice the size of the Everglades (3:30)."  See also:  USGS scientists monitor coastal damage from Hurricane Lili.  Press release (dtd 14 Oct 2002) from US Geological Survey (USGS).  (links posted 17 November 2002)

Previous Postings to the Section on 
Changes in Ecosystems



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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

Carbon Sequestration in Farming Could Offset Carbon Dioxide Emissions.  Article (dtd 13 Nov 2002) from Voice of America (  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Fiery ice from the sea.  Brief article on methane hydrates (dtd 2 Nov 2002) from Office of Naval Research.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion, 1971-2000 (2002 Edition).  Information on report published by the International Energy Agency.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

EU research looks into Europe's carbon sinks.  Press release (dtd 16 Oct 2002) from the European Union.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Logo for the Weather Notebook Carbon Loss.  "Correspondent Curt Nickisch explains how croplands contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and how scientists are working with farmers to reverse the process."  Transcript & audio segment (originally broadcast 8 October 2002) from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Research: Deep sea basalt may help reveal volcanoes' impact on climate.  Press release (dtd 3 Oct 2002) University of Florida.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Previous Postings to the Section 
on the Global Carbon Cycle



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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Land Use / Land Cover Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Carbon Sequestration in Farming Could Offset Carbon Dioxide Emissions.  Article (dtd 13 Nov 2002) from Voice of America (  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Amazon Deforestation Could Affect U.S. Climate.  Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from Duke University.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Logo for the Weather Notebook Carbon Loss.  "Correspondent Curt Nickisch explains how croplands contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and how scientists are working with farmers to reverse the process."  Transcript & audio segment (originally broadcast 8 October 2002) from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Landcover Changes may rival Greenhouse Gases as Cause of Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 1 Oct 2002) from Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Previous Postings to the Section 
on Land Use / Land Cover Change



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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Contributions and Responses

More on this
 Focus Area

Dried rice makes less gas.  "Science Update" (dtd 12 Nov 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

International researchers propose advanced energy technologies to help quell global warming.  Press release (dtd 31 Oct 2002) from DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Lab.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

2002: Natural Disasters Set to Cost Over $70 Billion.  Press release (dtd 29 October 2002) from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

London's Warming: The impacts of climate change on London.  (PDF, 2 MB).  Also available as RTF file (75kb).  "This study, commissioned by the London Climate Change Partnership, examines the potential impacts on London of climate change over the next 80 years. London faces a number of particular problems: as the UK's economic powerhouse, the financial risks associated with climate change-related disruption are serious; a significant proportion of the city is on floodplains; and temperatures increases are exacerbated by the dense urban environment, which means the inner city is always hotter than the outskirts." (link posted 17 November 2002)

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective on Agriculture.  (PDF)  Report (dtd October 2002)  prepared by the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate, Natural Resources Canada.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ancient Chile Migration Mystery Tied to Drought.  Article (dtd 24 October 2002) from National Geographic.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Mediterranean Basin at Crossroads of Global Pollution Patterns.  Article (dtd 28 Oct 2002) from Scientific American.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Computer Model Suggests Future Crop Loss due to Potential Increase in Extreme Rain Events over Next Century.  Press release (28 Oct 2002) from Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ancient Lure of the Lakes: Early Americans followed the water.  Article (dtd 26 October 2002) from Science News Online.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

African Ice Core Analysis Reveals Catastrophic Droughts, Shrinking Ice Fields and Civilization Shifts.  Press release (dtd 17 October 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

When will the flood hit?  Press release (dtd 16 Oct 2002) from from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Pennsylvania's West Nile Virus surveillance system gets an assist from NASA data.  Press release (dtd 15 Oct 2002) from NASA/Goddard.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Control of methane emissions would reduce both global warming and air pollution, researchers find.  Press release (dtd 9 Oct 2002) from AGU.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Climate Change & Winter Tourism in the Great Lakes Region.  Papers from conference held 8 November 2002 in Thompsonville, Michigan.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

NASA researchers developing tools to help track and predict West Nile Virus.  Press release (dtd 8 Oct 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Logo for the Weather NotebookCarbon Loss.  "Correspondent Curt Nickisch explains how croplands contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and how scientists are working with farmers to reverse the process."  Transcript & audio segment (originally broadcast 8 October 2002) from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Increased CO2 Levels Are Mixed Blessing for Agriculture.  Press release (dtd 2 Oct 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Landcover Changes may rival Greenhouse Gases as Cause of Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 1 Oct 2002) from Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)



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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

New evidence that El Niño influences global climate conditions on a 2,000-year cycle.  Press release (dtd 13 Nov 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

David Meyer's Studies of Coral Reefs Help Reconstruct Climate Patterns.  Press release (29 Oct 2002) from University of Cincinnati.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ancient Lure of the Lakes: Early Americans followed the water.  Article (dtd 26 October 2002) from Science News Online.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ancient Chile Migration Mystery Tied to Drought.  Article (dtd 24 October 2002) from National Geographic.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

New England lakes hold clues to lurking storms and floods.  Press release (dtd 23 Oct 2002) from University of Vermont.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

"New evidence for abrupt climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene: An Ocean Drilling Program expedition to Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific."  Summarized in November Geology and GSA Today media highlights.  Press release (dtd 21 Oct 2002) from Geological Society of America.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Shifting Sands.  "Dunes hold heaps of material -- and climate clues, too." Article (dtd 19 Oct 2002) from Science News Online.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileIce Core Research.  Audio segment from National Public Radio's Talks of the Nation, broadcast on 18 October 2002.  Guest:  Lonnie Thompson, Senior Research Scientist, Byrd Polar Research Center, Professor of Geological Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

African Ice Core Analysis Reveals Catastrophic Droughts, Shrinking Ice Fields and Civilization Shifts.  Press release (dtd 17 October 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)



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Student Reading Book
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November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area

NASA Satellite Flies High to Monitor Sun's Influence on Ozone.  Press release (dtd 14 November 2002) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Pacific Ocean temperature changes point to natural climate variability.  Press release (dtd 12 Nov 2002) from Texas A & M.   (link posted 17 November 2002)

The rain in Spain falls mainly at the coast.   "Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have discovered that the number of wet days in Spain is on the increase."  Press release (dtd 11 Nov 2002) from University of East Anglia.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileSoot Seen as Major Element in Global Warming.  Audio segment from National Public Radio's Weekend Edition (originally broadcast 9 Nov 2002).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ocean temperatures affect intensity of the South Asian monsoon and rainfall.  Press release (dtd 6 Nov 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Increasingly salty Mediterranean favors ice sheet growth.  Press release (dtd 25 Oct 2002) from the University of Minnesota.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Climate change: Stormy weather, naturally.  "New data on the climate evolution of the heavily populated northeastern United States over the past 13,000 years suggest that natural variation could be an important factor in the increased incidence of severe weather in recent centuries." Summary (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Amazon Deforestation Could Affect U.S. Climate.  Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2002) from Duke University.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Despite Lower Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Diesel Cars May Promote More Global Warming than Gasoline Cars.  Press release (dtd 21 Oct 2002) from American Geophysical Union, Stanford University, and the National Science Foundation.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

New Thinking Needed on Atmospheric Physics. "An atmospheric phenomenon called "sprites" could be pumping 50 times more energy into the upper atmosphere than was previously thought, suggesting our understanding of the global atmosphere is incomplete, according to University of Houston space physicists."  Press release (dtd October 16, 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (links posted 17 November 2002)

  • Abrupt Climate Change. "Earth's climate has never not changed. Some warmings and coolings happen gradually. Others happen quite suddenly. Learn how predicting these abrupt climate changes is difficult. " Broadcast date: 24 October 2002
  • Gulf Stream. "How can an ocean current affect temperatures over the coasts? It happens because of prevailing winds. Learn how an ocean current from the Gulf of Mexico makes parts of Europe warmer."  Broadcast date:  22 October 2002
  • Earthshine. "Scientists are learning more about how much of the sun's energy the Earth absorbs -- and how much it reflects. Learn more about the planet's reflectivity -- and how it affects scientists' predictions."  Broadcast date:11 October 2002
  • The Goldilocks Problem. "Why is Venus too hot, Mars too cold -- but Earth just right? Learn more about what's long been called the Goldilocks problem of the climates of the planets."  Broadcast date: 4 October 2002
Stabilisation and commitment to future climate change. (PDF).  Scientific results from the Hadley Centre, October 2002.  "The ultimate objective of the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) is to stabilise atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases 'at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human-induced) interference with the climate system'. In this report, we focus on some of the scientific issues associated with this aim, including the following.
  • Physical commitment to climate change
  • Predictions of climate change when carbon dioxide concentrations are stabilised in the future
  • The effect of the carbon cycle on stabilisation of atmospheric CO2 concentrations

In addition, we include a short climate bulletin, highlighting recent observed changes in climate."  See also press release (dtd 22 Oct 2002), Climate change is here to stay, from the UK Met Office.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

The Hadley Centre regional climate modelling system:  PRECIS update 2002. (PDF) "The Hadley Centre has developed a regional climate model that can be run on a PC and can be applied easily to any area of the globe to generate detailed climate-change predictions. The intention is to make this modelling system, PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies), freely available to groups of developing countries so that they can develop climate-change scenarios at national centres of expertise. This new brochure contains an updated description of PRECIS, together with additional examples of its use." (link posted 17 November 2002)

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:

El Nino

Most recent El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Advisory. Issued monthly by the US Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  According to the most recent report (7 November 2002):  "Most coupled model and statistical model forecasts indicate that El Niño conditions will continue through spring 2003....[W]e expect SST anomalies to increase further in the eastern equatorial Pacific ...  with the establishment of basin-wide mature El Niño conditions during December 2002-February 2003. However ... we expect that this event will be weaker than the 1997-98 El Niño."  (link updated 15 November 2002)

New evidence that El Niño influences global climate conditions on a 2,000-year cycle.  Press release (dtd 13 Nov 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Transition from El Nino to La Nina affected vegetation.  Press release (dtd 5 Nov 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Scientists Discover 30-year History of El Niño in Cave.  Press release (dtd October 18, 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Prepare for El Niño's Drier and Warmer Winter NOAA Experts Tell Northwest Officials.  Press release (dtd 9 Oct 2002) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (link posted 17 November 2002)

El Niño Likely to Bring Milder Winter to Canada.  Press release (dtd 9 October 2002) from Environment Canada.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

El Niño Theme Page.  Site maintained by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


November 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Image from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) showing Antarctica's Amery Ice Shelf
Amery Ice Shelf
(image posted by NASA October 2002).

On Thin Ice?  Summary of feature article in the December 2002 issue of Scientific American. "How soon humanity will have to move inland to escape rising seas depends in great part on how quickly West Antarctica's massive ice sheet shrinks. Scientists are finally beginning to agree on what controls the size of the sheet and its rate of disintegration."  (link posted 17 November 2002)

The rain in Spain falls mainly at the coast.   "Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have discovered that the number of wet days in Spain is on the increase."  Press release (dtd 11 Nov 2002) from University of East Anglia.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Computer Model Suggests Future Crop Loss due to Potential Increase in Extreme Rain Events over Next Century.  Press release (28 Oct 2002) from Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Ancient Lure of the Lakes: Early Americans followed the water.  Article (dtd 26 October 2002) from Science News Online.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Greenland Melting? Satellite to Help Find Answer.  Article (dtd 24 October 2002) from National Geographic.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Kilimanjaro's Giant Glaciers in Peril.  Article (dtd 18 Oct 2002) from Scientific American.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Tracking Clouds.  Feature (dtd 9 Oct 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Water - The Essential Resource poster.  Press release (dtd 8 Oct 2002) from the American Geological Institute.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Antarctic ice: quick change.  Summary (dtd 3 October 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)

Audio fileEarth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (links posted 17 November 2002) 

  • Greenland Ice Melting. "Climate models have predicted that global warming won't affect Greeland's ice sheet much over this century. But a newly found feedback loop might increase melting -- and raise sea level." Broadcast date: 20 October 2002
  • Melting Ice. "One of the main reasons a warming climate makes sea level rise is thermal expansion -- warmer water occupies more space. But another reason for elevated sea level is melting ice." Broadcast date: 19 October 2002

North Atlantic Ocean: Latest circulation figures.  Summary (dtd 10 October 2002) from Nature.  (link posted 17 November 2002)


September 2002


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle




NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day


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For documents from the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change, 
see our IPCC page.


Background information on new Climate Change Science and Technology Management Structure


September 2002 Internet Postings Related to...

Letter to President Bush on Climate Change Science and Technology Plan.  Letter (dtd 9 Sep 2002) from Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce.  Also available as PDF file.  See also U.S. Climate Research and Technology Progress Outlined, press release (dtd 24 September 2002) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  (link posted 30 September 2002)


Public strong on opinions -- weaker on knowledge.  Press release (dtd 17 Sep 2002) from Cardiff University (UK). (link posted 30 September 2002)


Ocean Research Vessel Returns With Undersea 'Treasure' of Methane Hydrates.  Article (dtd 23 Sep 2002) from US Department of Energy (DOE) Fossil Energy Techline.  See also: Scientists explore large gas hydrate field off Oregon coast.  Press release (dtd 10 Sep 2002) from National Science Foundation. (link posted 30 September 2002)


The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World.  Description of book (dtd 2002) by John Firor and Judith Jacobsen. (link posted 30 September 2002)


The Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002 (PDF).  Report  (posted 26 Aug 2002) from the World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Environmental Programme. (link posted 30 September 2002)


Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


September 2002 Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

Paul Wennberg.  Atmospheric Chemist, Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry & Environmental Engineering, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California.  One of 24 MacArthur Foundation  Fellows for 2002.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

Antarctic forecast: premature break-up of ozone hole this week.  Press release (dtd 23 Sep 2002) from European Space Agency.  (link posted 30 September 2002)

NASA Scientists Use Satellites to Distinguish Human Pollution from Other Atmospheric Particles.   Article (dtd 17 Sept 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

New scientific report confirms success of Montreal Protocol but warns ozone layer will remain vulnerable for the next decade.  Press release (16 Sep 2002) from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  See also:  Despite signs of recovery, UN warns ozone layer still vulnerable for next decade.  Press release (dtd 16 Sep 2002) from United Nations. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Giant Research Balloon Launched to Study Ozone Layer.  Press release (dtd 3 Sep 2002) from Environment Canada. (link posted 30 September 2002)



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September 2002 Postings Related to...
Changes in Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle Science section)

Living in a glass house: Ocean organism's novel dwelling helps Earth's atmosphere.  Press release (dtd 18 Sep 2002) from Princeton University. (link posted 30 September 2002)

NCAR Tip Sheet: Wildfire Science Background, Experts, and Web Sites.  Press release (dtd 12 Sep 2002) from University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). (link posted 30 September 2002)

New Amazon forest monitoring team: RAINFOR.  Press release (dtd 9 Sep 2002) from Smithsonian. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Media Invitation -- Environmental change in Antarctic lakes and seas: the chances for survival or extinction?.  "Professor Lloyd Peck, biologist with British Antarctic Survey (BAS) discusses the prospects for survival or extinction of Antarctic marine and lake life"  Press release (dtd 5 Sep 2002) from British Antarctic Survey. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Seabed Research Will Have Global Significance.   Press release (dtd 5 September 2002) from University of Edinburgh. (link posted 30 September 2002) 

Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 30 September 2002)



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September 2002 Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

World Energy Outlook 2002.  Press release and select contents from report (issue 21 Sep 2002) from the International Energy Agency. Includes Total OECD CO2 Emissions in the Reference and Alternative Policy Scenarios.  (link posted 30 September 2002)

Forests and CO2.  Transcript and audio (originally broadcast on 16 Sep 2002) of Earth & Sky radio program.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Carbon Sequestration (10 Sep 2002).  Transcript & audio segment from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

Key World Energy Statistics 2002 [PDF].  Document  (posted 10 September 2002) from the International Energy Agency. Includes section on emissions (link posted 30 September 2002)

National Medal of Science awarded to JIMO [Joint Institute for Marine Observations]  researcher for pioneering work on the effects of CO2 on global climate change.  Press release (dtd 9 Sep 2002) from NOAA. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Rain Helps Carbon Sink.  Article (dtd 4 September 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 30 September 2002)

GLOBALVIEW-CO2, 2002 Update.  Notice (dtd 14 Aug 2002) announcing the  seventh annual update of the GLOBALVIEW-CO2 data product, produced by the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). (link posted 30 September 2002)



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September 2002 Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Human activity destroys species that the Ice Age could not.  Press release (dtd 20 September 2002) from University of Sussex. (link posted 30 September 2002)

World Energy Outlook 2002.  Press release and select contents from report (issued 21 Sep 2002) from the International Energy Agency. Includes Total OECD CO2 Emissions in the Reference and Alternative Policy Scenarios.  (link posted 30 September 2002)

Job Opportunity: Decision Making under Uncertainty: Societal Impacts of Weather and Climate.  Press release (dtd 19 Sep 2002) from Environmental and Societal Impacts Group (ESIG) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). (link posted 30 September 2002)

Will global warming improve crop production?   "Winter temperatures are on the rise and scientists note this change will actually increase a plant's exposure to freezing temperatures." Press release (dtd 18 Sep 2002) from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Economic Impacts of Drought and the Benefits of NOAA's Drought Forecasting.  Article (dtd 17 Sep 2002) from NOAA Magazine Online. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Climate and Cholera: an increasingly important link.  Press release (dtd 13 Sep 2002) from Barcelona Science Park. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Potential effect of population and climate changes on global distribution of Dengue Fever: An Empirical Model.  Article (dtd 14 Sept 2002) from The Lancet. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Heavy Rainfall Implications.  "The recent floods in Europe have highlighted how vulnerable we all are to the weather. The Met Office is already addressing this issue by developing tools and services to help combat the problem. "  Press release (dtd 5 Sep 2002) from UK Met Office. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Climate Change Puts Agriculture at Great Risk (PDF).    Press release (dtd 29 Aug 2002) from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). (link posted 30 September 2002)

Drought worsens, affecting color of cars, size of crops.  Article (dtd 22 Aug 2002) from Christian Science Monitor.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

Bangladesh Floods (13 Aug 2002). Transcript & audio segment from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.   (link posted 30 September 2002).



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September 2002 Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

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 Focus Area

Global warming may not have ended Ice-Age, says research.  Press release (dtd 12 September 2002) from University of Sheffield. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Interpreting a Climate Record from 10,000-year-old Migrating Waters.  Article (dtd 12 September 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Looking Back (27 Aug 2002).  Transcript & audio segment from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.   (link posted 30 September 2002)



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September 2002 Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

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 Focus Area

Into the cold?   "Slowing ocean circulation could presage dramatic -- and chilly -- climate change."  Article (dtd 26 Sep 2002) from Christian Science Monitor. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Black Carbon Contributes to Droughts and Floods in China.  Press release (dtd 26 Sep 2002) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).  See also: Report assessing impact of soot on global warming could alter control strategies, press release (dtd 26 Sep 2002) from Georgia Institute of Technology. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Sweating it out: U.S. cities have 10 more hot nights a year than 40 years ago, Cornell climate researchers discover.  Press release (dtd 26 Sep 2002) from Cornell University. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Weather for Next Century? Warm.  "Scientists predict that China will experience continuous warm weather over the next 50 to 100 years. The climate in the north will become still drier, posing serious threats to the country's ecosystem and economy."  Transcript from China Radio Online, 20 Sep 2002. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Climate Change: 50 Years Past and Possible Futures.  Press release (dtd 19 September 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Duke Engineers Creating 'More Refined' Global Climate Model.  Press release (dtd 17 Sep 2002) from Duke University. (link posted 30 September 2002)

New Findings Challenge Climatic 'See-Saw' Effect.  Article (dtd 16 Sep 2002) from Scientific American. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Satellites to Profile Weather, Improve Forecasts through GPS.  Press release (6 Sep 2002) from NSF. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 30 September 2002)

Frigid South Pole Atmosphere Reveals Flaw in Global Circulation Models.  Article (dtd 28 Aug 2002) from  NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:


Record Drought Plagues North Central Georgia with Little Improvement Expected.  Press release (dtd 5 Sep 2002) from National Weather Service Public Affairs. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Economic Impacts of Drought and the Benefits of NOAA's Drought Forecasting.  Article (dtd 17 Sep 2002) from NOAA Magazine Online. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Drought worsens, affecting color of cars, size of crops.  Article (dtd 22 Aug 2002) from Christian Science Monitor.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

Satellite view of hurricaneHurricanes.  Links to background information on the connection between climate change and hurricanes.  Other useful links related to hurricanes also provided.

Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity for Sepetember 2002 and Seasonal Update.  Report (dtd 1 Sep 2002) from Members of Colorado State University Hurricane Forecast Team.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

El Nino

El Niño Expected To Impact Atlantic Hurricane Season, NOAA Reports.  Press release (dtd 8 Aug 2002) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (link posted 28 August 2002)

El Niño To Play Role In Nation's Fall, Winter Weather, NOAA Says.  Press release (dtd 12 Sep 2002) from NOAA. (link posted 30 September 2002)

La Niña and Its Impacts: Facts and Speculation. Description of book (dtd 2002) edited by M.H. Glantz and published by UN University Press. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Most recent El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Advisory. Issued monthly by the US Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  According to the most recent report (10 October 2002):  "Most coupled model and statistical model forecasts indicate that El Niño conditions will continue through early 2003.  Furthermore...we expect that this event will be substantially weaker than the 1997-98 El Niño. Thus, the global impacts should generally be weaker than those observed during 1997-98. However, strong impacts are still possible in a few locations."  (link updated 15 October 2002)

El Niño Theme Page.  Site maintained by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project.




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September 2002 Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

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 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Image showing average number of days that the ocean surface around Antarctica was covered by sea ice from 1979 to 1999.
Increasing Sea Ice around Antarctica
(image posted by NASA July 2002).

Glacial Melt (24 Sept 2002).  Transcript & audio segment from The Weather Notebook, a nationally syndicated radio series on global climate change produced by New Hampshire's Mount Washington Observatory.   (link posted 30 September 2002)

Study Finds Thicker Storm Clouds over Warmer Tropical Waters Affect Climate.  Article (dtd 18 Sept 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

From Satellites to Sea: JPL Scientists Map Ocean Eddies.  Article  (dtd 13 Sept 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Climate and water.   Feature (dtd 12 September 2002) from  Nature. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Rain Helps Carbon Sink.  Article (dtd 4 September 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 30 September 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Images of the sea ice covers of both polar regions, showing their changes from the June 2-4 period to the July 21-22 period.  From the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer, one of six key Earth-observing instruments on board NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite Aqua
AMSR-E measures sea ice extents
(image posted by NASA July 2002).

Heavy Rainfall Implications.  "The recent floods in Europe have highlighted how vulnerable we all are to the weather. The Met Office is already addressing this issue by developing tools and services to help combat the problem. "  Press release (dtd 5 Sep 2002) from UK Met Office. (link posted 30 September 2002)

Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 30 September 2002)

NASA Study Finds Rapid Changes in Earth's Polar Ice Sheets.  Press release (dtd 30 Aug 2002) from NASA. (link posted 30 September 2002)



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