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Dr. Bernard Ducame, Director Tel: +32 2 373 0248
WDC for Earth Tides Fax: +32 2 374 9822
Observatoire Royal de BelgiqueE-mail: ducarme@oma.be
Avenue Circulaire 3 Home Page: http://www.astro.oma.be/ICET
BRUSSELS B1180http://ggp.gfz-potsdam.de

Maintained by: Royal Observatory of Belgium. Associated with the International Center of Earth Tides, a FAGS service supported by UNESCO and ICSU.

Summary of Data Held: Data from about 360 worldwide gravity stations: individual values, analysis of the main tidal waves, residual vectors, oceanic attraction and loading vectors. The data bank also contains data from tiltmeters and extensometers.

User Services: The Center provides assistance for the setting up of new stations and for data processing, as well as for tidal analysis. Assistance may be provided either through visits to the Center or by FORTRAN programs. The ICET also makes available Earth tidal predictions for any place or time, needed for field gravimetry, absolute gravity and for tilt measurements. The predictions can be computed either on the basis of elastic Earth models and oceanic co-tidal maps, or on the basis of direct measurements.

Data Products, Publications, Catalogs: The Bulletin d'Information Marees Terrestres, published two or three times a year, contains a great number of translations of Russian and Chinese papers. A General Bibliography with 3,700 references is published regularly.

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