American Battlefields American Battlefields
American Battlefields
Winchester, Second   

Other Names: None

Location: Frederick County and Winchester

Campaign: Gettysburg Campaign (June-August 1863)

Date(s): June 13-15, 1863

Principal Commanders: Brig. Gen. Robert Milroy [US]; Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell [CS]

Forces Engaged: 19,500 total (US 7,000; CS 12,500)

Estimated Casualties: 4,709 total (US 4,443; CS 266)

Description: After the Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863, Lee ordered the II Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, under Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell, to clear the lower Shenandoah Valley of Union opposition. Ewell’s columns converged on Winchester’s garrison commanded by Brig. Gen. Robert Milroy. After fighting on the afternoon of June 13 and the capture of West Fort by the Louisiana Brigade on June 14, Milroy abandoned his entrenchments after dark in an attempt to reach Charles Town. “Allegheny”  Johnson’s division conducted a night flanking march and before daylight of the 15th cut off Milroy’s retreat just north of Winchester at Stephenson’s Depot. More than 2,400 Federals surrendered. This Confederate victory cleared the Valley of Union troops and opened the door for Lee’s second invasion of the North.

Result(s):Confederate victory

CWSAC Reference #: VA107

Preservation Priority: Priority: IV.1 (Class B)

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