Fermilab Today Monday, Sept. 15, 2008

Monday, Sept. 15
9:30 a.m.
URA Workshop - Curia II
Beyond the Standard Model: from the Tevatron to the LHC
2:30 p.m.
Particle Astrophysics Seminar - One West (NOTE LOCATION)
Speaker: J. Yoo, Fermilab
Title: The First Axion Search Results Using CDMS Detector and the Future
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: First Circulating Beam in the LHC

Tuesday, Sept. 16
3:30 p.m.

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a weekly calendar with links to additional information.


WeatherPartly Cloudy

Extended Forecast
Weather at Fermilab

Current Security Status

Secon Level 3

Wilson Hall Cafe

Monday, Sept. 15
- Minestroni
- Parmesan quesadilla
- Baked chicken enchiladas
- Smart Cuisine: herbed pot roast
- Chicken melt
- Assorted sliced pizza
- Szechwan green bean w/chicken

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu

Chez Leon

Wednesday, Sept. 17
- Pork satay w/peanut sauce
- Jasmine rice
- Coconut cake w/ rum caramel sauce

Thursday, Sept. 18
- Spinach & feta in phyllo
- Roasted prime rib
- Herb & garlic potatoes
- Dilled baby carrots & green beans
- White chocolate mousse

Chez Leon Menu
Call x4598 to make your reservation.


Fermilab Today
Result of the Week
Safety Tip of the Week
ILC NewsLine


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URA workshop urges physicists to get creative

A URA-sponsored workshop at Fermilab this week will encourage ideas of science that can occur at the Tevatron and the LHC.

A workshop that examines potential science that can be done at both the Tevatron and the LHC will take place at Fermilab this week. The workshop begins today and runs through Friday.

A few dozen theorists and experimentalists will gather for "Beyond the Standard Model: From the Tevatron to the LHC," a workshop sponsored by the Universities Research Association, one of the owners of Fermi Research Alliance, Fermilab's management organization.

"The point of the workshop is to get theorists and experimentalists together to talk about the LHC's early run and what the Tevatron can do now," said Paddy Fox, who organized the workshop with University of Oregon's Graham Kribs.

Fox also hopes that the workshop, which currently has about 50 registered participants, will encourage information gathering and idea generating among attendees. He also hopes it will foster communication between theorists and experimentalists.

"Theorists are often unaware of many of the details of experimental searches and we would like to help overcome that," Fox said. "Equally, by increasing communication, experimentalists will become aware of more of the possibilities for new physics being developed by the theorists. Hopefully this workshop will foster the links necessary for us all to do good science."

Most sessions will take place in Curia II, although participants will host discussion sessions in other rooms. Anyone interested may attend until the room is at capacity. View the workshop schedule on the Web site.

--Rhianna Wisniewski

From JLab


Editor's Note: Former Fermilab associate director of research Hugh Montgomery recently began his new position as the Director of Jefferson Laboratory. His first JLab Director's Corner appeared Sept. 5.

One of the ways I have learned to motivate myself is to talk about my intentions publically to the point that failure to deliver has the potential to lead to severe embarrassment. This article is the result of such folly.

I started to talk to Dean Golembeski and others about writing an occasional column for public dissemination about a month ago, and not wanting to copy other directors, I chose the name Montage. I am hoping you will find it interesting and mildly informative.

Of course, the subject of the column this week could not really be about much else than the fact that I am starting as the new Lab Director (never done that before) at JLab. With the benefit of interaction with others who have done similar jobs, I had tried to generate some down time between my previous job and this. But given that we needed to move house from Illinois, I was only partially successful. Nevertheless, coming to work on Tuesday was a significant perturbation to my system and, while excited, I was quite nervous; after 25 years at the same place I should have expected that.

Read more

In the News

Europe leaps ahead on physics frontier

From MSNBC, Sept. 11, 2008

MEYRIN, Switzerland - Adam Yurkewicz was born, raised and schooled in New York state, intending to become an engineer. But in 1996, during his junior year in college, he got hooked on quantum electrodynamics and other wild ideas from the frontiers of physics — and he's never been the same since.

To follow his vocation as a particle physicist, Yurkewicz has been a grad student in Michigan, an experimenter in Illinois, a postdoctoral researcher in New York, and other things in between. He is now working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, and living in France with his New York-born wife and their first child.

In short, Yurkewicz is a science nomad.

"I don't think I've lived in the same place for more than a year in the last 10," he said as he sat at a table outside the cafeteria at Europe's CERN particle-physics center, just outside Geneva.

There are a lot of brainy nomads hanging around CERN's cafeteria nowadays. The patrons hail from all over the United States, from Canada, from Russia, from Japan, from China, and of course from across Europe. "It's like a mini-U.N.," Yurkewicz said.

Read more

Safety Tip of the Week

Process reviews

Ford ca. 1913. Process reviews help ensure environmental health and safety.

Most Fermilab safety incidents have a simple, obvious cause. But while being unaware of your surroundings or not taking the proper safety precautions causes many incidents, occasionally the cause is something more technical.

One such case occurred last spring at Argonne National Laboratory. A post-doctoral student suddenly became ill while conducting clean fuels research. Blood tests revealed carbon monoxide exposure.

Though this gas was in use at the time, there were many reasons to doubt it was the source of exposure. The process had been carried out uneventfully hundreds of times over 15 years by many people. Gas handling took place in a properly functioning laboratory hood. Carbon monoxide monitors were installed at three exposure-prone locations. The student had observed the operation and practiced using a non-hazardous gas. Fire Department responders did not detect any carbon monoxide. Parts of the process had been reviewed by various ES&H personnel on several occasions.

Investigation revealed that multiple things went wrong simultaneously. The gas-containing apparatus largely blocked the laboratory hood opening. The carbon monoxide monitors were made for home use and could not respond quickly enough to show brief, high-concentration "puffs" of gas. Most importantly, none of the ES&H reviewers had conducted a thorough beginning-to-end review of the entire process.

Process reviews are especially useful in complex operations and are a great way to assure that environmental health and safety has been fully addressed. The examination of ordered steps can reveal interim goals and delineate detailed procedures. Improvements come easier when goals are understood, and detailed procedures are tied to worker behavior which is the key to accident prevention.

In the News

Scientists beaming after test of big atom smasher

From ABC7 News, Sept. 10, 2008

A small blip on a computer screen sent champagne corks popping among physicists in Switzerland. Near Chicago, researchers at a "pajama party" who watched via satellite let out an early morning cheer.

The world's most complex machine was turned on Wednesday to begin testing systems that ultimately will be used to simulate the Big Bang, a scientific theory widely accepted as explaining the origins of the universe.

The machine has been built on the Swiss-French border and is known by its French acronym, CERN. But scientists in the Chicago area were excited to be part of the international effort to fire up the Large Hadron Collider.

Read more and watch the news video.

Accelerator Update

Sept. 10-12
- Three stores provided 43 hours and 24 minutes of luminosity
- Kautz Road substation repaired
- Linac Klystron RF station 7 repaired

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts


Have a safe day!

Kids can become Prairie Rangers
Your child can become a junior prairie ranger. Children in fourth and fifth grades can become prairie stewards by joining the Fermilab Junior Prairie Rangers. Rangers will learn about the biodiversity of the prairie and how they can help it thrive. Choose one of the Saturday meetings: Sept. 27 or Oct. 18, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Rangers will wear a new ranger cap while harvesting seeds on one of the seed harvest days, Oct. 4 or Nov. 1, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Throughout the year, rangers will participate in other prairie activities. More information is available on the calendar for kids.

Help excite students about science
The new school year has begun and elementary, middle and high school students will soon learn science. We hope you'll help excite, engage and motive them. Share your knowledge and interests through the Classroom Presentation programs by volunteering with the Education Office. Presentation kits for Force and Motion, Light and Color, Space, Time and Einstein, Physics of Sports and other programs are ready to go along with outlines created by your colleagues. Use the equipment ahead of your presentations and work with an experienced presenter. Visit the presentation Web site for more information.

Additional Activities

Fermi National Accelerator - Office of Science / U.S. Department of Energy | Managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC.