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Found 77 studies with search of: Schizophrenia [CONDITION] AND NIH [STUDY-SPONSORS-CLASS] NOT NIMH [ORGANIZATION-NAME]
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1 Recruiting Genetic Study of Schizophrenia
Conditions: Psychotic Disorder;   Schizoaffective Disorder;   Schizophrenia
2 Completed Comparison of Clozapine or Olanzapine in Childhood-Onset Psychotic Disorders
Conditions: Mental Disorder Diagnosed in Childhood;   Psychotic Disorder;   Schizophrenia
Interventions: Drug: Olanzapine;   Drug: Clozapine
3 Completed Eye Blink Response in Healthy Volunteers and Adults With Schizophrenia
Conditions: Healthy;   Schizophrenia
4 Recruiting Electrophysiology and Blood Flow in Patients With Schizophrenia and Their Siblings
Conditions: Healthy;   Schizophrenia
5 Recruiting The Effects of Atomoxetine on Cognition and Brain Function Based on COMT Genotype
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Working Memory;   Cognition;   Healthy Volunteers
Interventions: Drug: Amoxetine;   Procedure: Functional MRI;   Procedure: Neuropsychiatric Testing
6 Recruiting Screening for Childhood-Onset Psychotic Disorders
Conditions: Childhood Onset Psychotic Disorders;   Schizophrenia
7 Recruiting Inpatient Evaluation of Adults With Schizophrenia
Conditions: Psychotic Disorder;   Schizophrenia;   Schizoaffective;   Paranoia;   Psychosis
8 Recruiting Brain Tissue Collection for Neuropathological Studies
Conditions: Bipolar Disorder;   Depression;   Anxiety Disorders;   Schizophrenia;   Tourette's Syndrome;   Brain Diseases
9 Completed Imaging of Brain Receptors in Healthy Volunteers and in Patients With Schizophrenia
Condition: Schizophrenia
Intervention: Drug: SPECT Imaging of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Brain
10 Completed Safety and Effectiveness of Sustained Release Bupropion in Treating Individuals With Schizophrenia Who Smoke
Conditions: Tobacco-Use Disorder;   Schizophrenia;   Psychotic Disorders
Interventions: Drug: bupropion SR;   Behavioral: Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy;   Drug: nicotine replacement therapy
11 Recruiting Effects of Modafinil on Brain Function in Patients With Schizophrenia
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Schizoaffective Disorder
Interventions: Drug: Modafinil;   Procedure: Functional MRI;   Procedure: Neuropsychological Testing
12 Completed Neuroimaging of Dopamine Metabolism in Normal and Psychiatric Patients
Conditions: Healthy;   Schizophrenia
13 Completed Effect of Bupropion on Smoking Behavior in Smokers With Schizophrenia
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Tobacco Use Disorder
Interventions: Drug: 300 mg/day bupropion-sr;   Drug: 0 mg/day bupropion-sr
14 Completed Genetic Aspects of Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders
Conditions: Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity;   Bipolar Disorder;   Mental Disorder Diagnosed in Childhood;   Mental Retardation;   Schizophrenia
15 Completed Timing of Voluntary Movement in Patients With Schizophrenia
Condition: Schizophrenia
16 Not yet recruiting Cannabis and Schizophrenia: Self-Medication and Agonist Treatment
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Dual Diagnosis;   Schizoaffective Disorder;   Psychotic Disorder;   Cannabis Use Disorder
Interventions: Drug: Dronabinol;   Drug: Cannabis
17 Completed Treatment of Schizophrenia and Comorbid Cannabis Use Disorder: Comparing Clozapine to Treatment-as-Usual
Conditions: Schizophrenia;   Dual Diagnosis;   Schizoaffective Disorder;   Psychotic Disorder;   Cannabis Abuse
Interventions: Drug: Clozapine;   Drug: Treatment as usual
18 Recruiting Studies of Frontal Lobe Brain Functioning in Schizophrenia
Conditions: Healthy;   Schizophrenia
19 Completed Glycine to Treat Psychotic Disorders in Children
Conditions: Psychotic Disorder;   Schizoaffecitve Disorder;   Schizophrenia
Intervention: Drug: Glycine
20 Recruiting A Study of the Effects of Sarcosine on Symptoms and Brain Glycine Levels in People With Schizophrenia
Condition: Schizophrenia
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: Sarcosine

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