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  World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology

Dr. John Hill, Director Tel: +1 303 202-4220

WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology

Fax: +1 303 202-4219

U.S. Geological Survey Center for Biological InformaticsE-mail: jhill@usgs.gov
Bldg. 810 DFC, MS 302 Home Page: http://wdc.nbii.gov
Denver, CO 80225


Maintained by: WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology is operated by: U.S. Geological Survey Center for Biological Informatics

Summary of Data Held: The WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology contains data related to federal, state, non-profit, university, and private sector research data and information gathered within the United States. This information includes land cover, species information, regional information throughout the U.S., national level data and information related to bird conservation, invasive species, fisheries and aquatic resources, wildlife disease, and amphibian decline.

User Services: The WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology provides access to data in both a local traditional access method and through it's distributed network of National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Regional and Thematic Nodes throughout the country. Tours are available of the Center for Biological Informatics, Denver Colorado, where the core capabilities and various data are held.

Publications: An annual catalog of data and information contained within the WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology is produced. Data holding can also be accessed through the NBII metadata clearinghouse, http://metadata.nbii.gov. Additional publications related to ecological forecasting, invasive species, biodiversity and ecosystems needs for the future are just a small sample of the publications that can be found through accessing the WDC.

Special Projects: The WDC for Biodiversity and Ecology can also support other interactions, data sharing, and the basic research process through the use of it's collaborative and virtual portal technologies and tools. Communities of practice can be created to allow the WDC system to interact virtually in meeting its overall goals and objectives as a WDC system.

questions about this site: ngdc.wdca@noaa.gov

To learn more about NGDC, e-mail ngdc.info@noaa.gov or go to: [NGDC home] [disclaimers]
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