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Notices to Lessees and Operators -- Offshore Minerals Management
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NTL No. 98-13N

Effective Date: July 1, 1998

Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) of Federal Oil, Gas,
and Sulphur Leases in the Outer Continental Shelf

Use of New or Alternative Technology and Procedures

This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes NTL No. 96-5N, dated August 20, 1996, and is being issued to update the regulatory citation and to include a statement regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

Some manufacturers and inventors believe that lessees may be reluctant to propose the use of technology and procedures that are not specifically addressed in Minerals Management Service (MMS) operating regulations. The MMS is concerned that lessees may not be familiar with provisions in MMS regulations that provide for the use of new or alternative technology procedures.

The MMS encourages lessees to use new technology and procedures that offer a greater degree of safety and environmental protection. If certain aspects of a lessee's proposal deviate from or are not covered by MMS regulations, departures may be granted in accordance with 30 CFR 250.103.

Lessees should submit information to the District or Regional Supervisor, as appropriate, describing the site-specific application(s), performance characteristics, and safety features of the proposed technology. Oral presentations are welcome. The District or Regional Supervisor will respond to each proposal in writing. Lessees should not assume that new or alternative practices are approved or disapproved until they have received official written notice from MMS.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement: The information collection provisions referred to in this notice are intended to provide clarification, description, or interpretation of requirements in 30 CFR 250, subpart A. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the information collection requirements in these regulations and assigned OMB control number 1010-0030. This notice does not impose additional information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

This NTL is also on the MMS worldwide website at http://www.mms.gov.

Dated: 27 May 1998

Signed by: Carolita U. Kallaur,
Associate Director for Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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Last Updated: 08/14/2008, 10:28 AM

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